تستطيع الوصول الى اهدافك بالوسائل التالية
التخطيط الجيد ومعرفة ما هو هدفك
وضع رؤية شاملة لهدفك
تنمية مهاراتك وخبراتك
المطالعة والتدريب
انجاز اعمالك باقل وقت واقل جهد
المحافظة على اتقان عملك
طلب المعونة والاستشارة من ذوي الخبرة
واولا واخيرا التوكل على الله ومخافة الله في كل شاردة وواردة
من قبل
Arash Lajevardi , National Sales And Marketing Manager , Bastan group
to reach our goals , we need to have Plan , for personal and company goals ,
when we have a plan we can move and try to reach them even they are so far to us .
if you think and move100% you can reach to anything that you want .
من قبل
Ambreena Shiekh , Report Analyzer & Campaign Manager , Perfomark Advertising Agency
Believing in yourself is the key to almost every goal you want to achieve.It’s the stepping stone to any foundation.Planning ahead is important, especially when you are trying to reach a specific goal. It’s very important to visualize each of the steps needed to reach your goals.Keep pushing and never discourage yourself even when you think everything is lost.Talk to people about your new goals and how you plan to achieve them.Other people’s insight can be very important.And also review your progress regularly.Reviewing your goals regularly will help you to check your progress to determine if any adjustments are required.
من قبل
Akbar Bakhshmand , Production / Business Analysis , Saipa Corp
I suppose with a comprehensive strategy, which in turn needs careful study and scanning the situation, true analysis of gathered information during scanning and professionally planning and implementation. it works in every aspect of life from personal to professional issues.
من قبل
Mohammed Ali Syed , Cross Functional Services Lead ( Lead Consultant) , Infosys Ltd
Always make sure that you relate the GOAL with TIME. For example, you may have a goal which should be completed in One year. Create SUB-GOALS based on the time i.e; create a SUB-GOAL for every QUARTER and try to achieve it which would make you easy to reach the mail GOAL by end of the year.