أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Dealing with the three constraints of time, cost and quality aswell as consolidated effort towards continous learning and improvement will surfice.
Stakeholders management is the key. A good communication plan leaded with common sense, perceiving, understanding, and acting in the right way when changes appear.
There primarly three constraints. Time, Scope and cost. If we need not to compromise on cost the we need to increase cost.
Have a preperformance confetrence before you start the construction activities. Invite all concerned. Introduce the project manager and engineers in charge. Explain the rules and procedures applicable and the mechanisms for coordination and channels of communication to all. Get the various contractors/ agencies introduced to each other so that there will be good coordination between them. That is the first step for avoiding delays.
Have adequate number of coordination meetings at fixed times during each week and strictly ensure participation of all concerned so that any constraints/ roadblocks to the progess of work can be brought to the attention of the Project manager.
Project Managers office must be open during normal working hours so that anyone can meet him or his representative and communicate about any delays expected. PM or Engineer in charge shall call emergency meetings to manage avoiding delays.
Log books shall be maintained at convenient locations where contractors can notify any matter of urgency. These log books shall be verified by the engineer in charge and signed during his daily inspection rounds.
Suitable methods of providing incentives to contractors for speedy completion of works can be thought off.
A construction project site may consist of numerous secions each having multiple work packages the aggregate of which makes up the total project. As a result, it is critical to plan extensively and communicate effectively. I would rcommend that you put together the best possible team, know your stakeholders, assign responsibities objectivey and dont be tmid to hold your people accountable.