أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Maximizing Company's value by addressing surprises and shocks
Risk Management is main focus on the following areas:
1. Business Risk
2. Opeational Risk
3. Market Risk
4. Credit Risk and
5. Legal Risk
The focus of Risk Management (RM) is to enable the allocation of available resources so as to maximise the chances of achieving corporate objectives. RM methodology seeks to identify all significant risks and ensure that these are maintained at an acceptable level, given the organisation's appetite for risk and any external regulatory requirements.
RM methodology is a systematic, holistic, continuous and proactive process rather than being one that is practised on an ad hoc, random and occasional basis.
RM supports both strategic and operational management in cost effectively meeting corporate objectives and goals of an organisation.