ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What kind of people you want to see in your team ?

If you are a Leader then what kind of people you want to get or recruiting in your group. Let us consider, They are all hard worker, Well Educated, Good personality, USA National and having Good experience in relevant field. How you select?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rahmat Ullah Khan , Administrative Asst , Trojan Holding
تاريخ النشر: 2014/08/02
Rahmat Ullah Khan
من قبل Rahmat Ullah Khan , Administrative Asst , Trojan Holding

I want to make clear first Why I mention USA Nationality.

May be some experts disagree with this but the reality is that Nationality is one of main factor in interviewing process.

If you belonging to east then your chances of getting job less as compare to European candidates.


Mohammad Rizwanul Haque
من قبل Mohammad Rizwanul Haque , Administration Manager , Oren Hydrocarbons ME FZCo.


Thanks for your invitation !

I would like to select my team as Enthusiastic, Honest, hardworking, Obedient and loyal.

Dear Mr. Rahmat, I don't know how you have mentioned "USA National" as a quality and compare with education, I am really very very surprised ......

I don't want to comment on any nationality here while I have too much Experiance (Good and Bad) with several Nationalities with in my service period in middle east, Egypt and India...... However, Nationality Never matter,  But the quality must be choosen whereever found .....

Moinul Islam
من قبل Moinul Islam , HR Manager , NTIER Softwares

Agree with Mr Rizwanul Haque. Also he must be trustworthy apart from mentioned characteristics. Nationality does not matter.  

Jecel Delantar
من قبل Jecel Delantar , Executive Asst. , Aja Working Hands Manpower Services

as a team leader, i would like to recruit someone who shares same advocacy with mine... undestanding individual differences is very important.    i want people in my team whos not hungry of taking full credits for what they contributed for the success of the team... people who fully understood and value the meaning of TEAMWORK. 

Saiful Islam Hiron
من قبل Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International

1. Loyal.

2. Honest.

3. Knowledgeable.

4. Cooperative.

5. Right skills to achieve the goals.

6. Adaptive.

7. Flexible.

8. Strategic.

9. Relevant experience or diversified experience.

jamila jabrane
من قبل jamila jabrane , Secretary and guest relation , Fanadir Hotel

honest , hard worker ,  able  to learn more, working as team , motive 

Souad Ahmed
من قبل Souad Ahmed , Country Manger , The Entertainer

I would like my team members to be creative ,Knowledgeable , able to take challanges Cooperative and loyal. And the must important character is willing to work as one team

Priya Nair
من قبل Priya Nair , Receptionist and Recruitment ( HR) , Mediatek India

I would want my team members to be Active, Dedicated, Enthusiastic and Helping (other team members when needed).

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

1.The individual should think not out of the Box but tear the box2.Optimistic3.disciplined4.Flexible5.Time bound-Time is Money


In current scenario we have people for different discipline and expertise. So everyone in a team have a specific duty to perform. I would like that each and every individual in my team would simply justify the salary he gets. I don't expect anything more than that.

Ratan Prakash
من قبل Ratan Prakash , Senior Manager (HR) , Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Company Ltd.

I was reading a punch line : High performance delivered!

This is what is needed in a high performance team : Individual excellence combined with collective synergy. While it is important what a team mate is bringing to the table, this is not enough. I would like to have the following competencies in my team :

1. customer focus

2. Strategic Thinking

3. Leadership

4. decision making

5. interpersonal skills

6. communication skills

7. time management - respecting deadlines

8. project management

9. presentation skills

10. Basic financial and accounting skills

11. Analytical skills

12. general management skills

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