I also translated through Google Translator but did not get the idea about the question. Some one please translated it , So I can understand.
Thank you in advance.
المستشار القانونى يجب ان مطلعا على كل جديد فى عالم المعرفه القانونيه لاسيما القضايا العالميه والمحليه والتى تشغل الراى العام الدولى وكذلك المحلى وفى مختلف فروع القانون
من قبل
Saad Khan , Business Development , Freelance
Can someone please translate the question in English? I used Google Translate and get completely irrelevant question; "What is the most important recipe enjoyed by the Legal Counsel recent graduate at home and abroad?"
Here's the translation of the question: What is the top trait of a newly-graduated local and international legal counsel?
العلم والطموح والمعرفة اللازمة للانطلاق في سوق العمل وإكتساب الخبرة ذات الصلة