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Yes ofcourse MVC is better than custom / core development. It has alot of advantanges. I am writing few of them:
- Fast developement
- Organized development. Everyone knows which funcations can be found in controllers or modals.
- Alot of helpers or libraries are available to use.
- No need to apply form validation types work. These basic types of work has already been taken care by MVC frameworks.
- Security enhancements.
it depends on the project you are working in, if the project is small I think MVC is just a wasting of time.
but if the project medium or big and you have big team work on it you SHOULD use MVC then to keep the management of code as simple as possible.
Yes MVC is better.
Using MVC enable you for unit testing,
it provide razor a light weight view engin using which now you do not need .aspx or aspx.cs page so every thing is html and no requirement of server side control managing view state or control state. this makes your page faster.
razor has html helper using which you can generate your html code by writing few line.
now you do not need to do url rewriting like in aspx pages saprately. routing module handles every thing.
using data annotation you can do the validation easier. generate error message easily.
the page generated using mvc was more light weight and faster as well.
and what about MVC with php?
It is a standard technology to develop websites
I would like to add something to your post.In my point of view Once you developing using MVC you stick with ASP.Net MVC logics and and their procudures.Always your idea is overriden.Web form is a free way to develop an web appliaction I suggest