أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Things to Consider prior to Designing a Training Program as mentioned below:
a. Participants’ background
b. Participants’ Need
c. Management’s View/Expectations
d. Management’s Need
e. Methodology of Training (Theoretical, Interactive, etc.)
f. Objective of the Program
g. Contents of the Program (Communication, Computer skills, Ethics, safety, etc.)
h. How will participants be benefited from the Training
i. How will Management be benefited from the Training
j. Allotted duration of the Training
k. What resources are available (Facilitators, Logistics, etc.)
l. What evaluation methodology will be followed (quantitative/ qualitative)
Design must take into account the target group of the training needs of the employee and timing of the cycle and the themes , video, costing and materials
This stuff is very necessary to design a training program with the help of some of the training programs and other televised
the needs of the learners, competency of the teacher and the time to attain objectives.
I think you put a perfect answer :D
• Nature of training
• Subject matter
• Number of trainees
• Individual VS team
• Self-paced VS guided
• Training resources
• Costs
• Geographic locations
• Time allotted
• Completion timeline