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How ignition coil step ups the 12volts to 20,000 volts?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل tufail mir , Regional workshop and facility manager , Saudi dairy and food stuff co.
تاريخ النشر: 2014/09/04
Khalfi Zouhaier
من قبل Khalfi Zouhaier , Project Manager , SIRAIL CABEL

The primary circuit consists of battery, switch, primary winding and contact breaker point which is grounded. A condenser is also connected in parallel to the contact breaker points. One end of the condenser is grounded and other connected to the contact breaker arm. It is provided to avoid sparking at contact breaker points so as to increase their life.


The secondary ignition circuit consists of secondary winding distributors and spark plugs. All spark plugs are grounded.


The ignition coil steps up volts supply to a very high voltage which may range from, . A high voltage is required for the spark to jump across the spark plug gas. This spark ignites the air-fuel mixture as the end of compression stroke. The rotor of the distributor revolves and distributors the current to

the four segments which send the current to different spark plugs.


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