من قبل
PARIMAL MADLANI , Strategic Advisor to Board of Directors- , SSS Risk Management & Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.
Hi Farah,
Good question to throw..yes, of course, if you are a smart and skillful underwriter you can always make enough money. If you do not get proper exposure, you can start own consultancy of Insurance by taking respective licence from the Insurance Regulator of the country or passing agency examination. Here, you need to choose some specialized field like I have chosen Liability and Personal Lines, when I opened up my company in India. I am now working in Saudi Arabia, but my firm is running quite successfully.
Hope this will highlighted the key issue in your question.
For any further information you can write back to me on my ID
Wish you all the best!!
من قبل
Mohammad El-Sayed , operations officer , DM for Egyptian Exports and Overseas Services Co.
Of course, smart question but need some of details to make sure of transfer risks and get aimed benefits, this equations can summary your demand of how much of savings we can get:
Higher Risk = More Saving
Lower Risk = Lower Saving
Technically, it is not easy to be implemented, so skills should be hired here for dealing with all kinds of risks on same time of getting profits...
Deeply thanks..
M. Sami