ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Which Employee will show higher quality work?

<p>A. The one who receives bonus upfront but in case of bad performance has to return the bonus.</p> <p>B. The one who will receive bonus after showing good performance</p> <p>A or B ?</p>

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Junaid Tariq , Lead PHP Developer , Ajar FZ-LLC
تاريخ النشر: 2014/09/12
مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Having an employee showing high quality work needs the employer to provide the correct work platform.

This includes everything related to work process starting from the desk used by the employee, the ventilation system, the hygiene, the friendly work environment. On the other side, employees need to have latest technologies in hand to deliver quality work like latest pc, tablets, fastest internet connection. Moreover, employees need to have guidance in continous manner in order to stay motivated at work or else they would think that nobody cares if the work is done properly or not and with time they will become like zombies doing work with minimum effort needed.

It happens many times that managers keep to themselves the work accomplishments. Employees who present high work quality should be recognized by higher management.

Mike Adrian Obaña
من قبل Mike Adrian Obaña , Staff Nurse , Medeor 24x7 Hospital Dubai

Option B.


Option A is not really good. It's like giving someone a food and then asking them to throw it up if they're not good enough.

Sami Al Areqi
من قبل Sami Al Areqi , Supply & Equipment Engineer (Act. Deputy Procurement Manager) , FAST Consortium LLC


من قبل SAJID MAHMOOD , H R Officer , Shezan Bakers and Confectioners pvt. Ltd Lahore

A.. One Who is given bonus after showing the good performance, and return back when the performance is not good


Vishnu Agrawal Vishnu
من قبل Vishnu Agrawal Vishnu , Associate , TransSys Solutions Private Limited

The one who will receive bonus after showing good performance

Arun Jose
من قبل Arun Jose , Sales Operations Manager , Karizma FZCO

Obviously, Option B is right answer.  The company have to provide sufficient facilities and working environment to develop and reach their target. 

Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
من قبل Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

If the employee trusts the company, it will be B.


But really, I've never seen a company that pays bonuses in front.

Bogdan Bucur
من قبل Bogdan Bucur , HR Consultant , Phoenix Business Solutions

The one who will receive bonus after showing good performance, because bonus should be offered as a reward, motivating employee to work harder, better and continuously.

offering bonus up front levels the work interest and may result in at most fair performances, as the employee becomes complacent and he's not really motivated to improve, and recolecting that bonus from him after the poor perfomances may induce him the feeling of unfairness, so he might migrate to competition.

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