ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


How do you, as the employee, take the initiative when your manager is unable to provide it?

<p>Managers often have a lot to do with their employees’ performance, or so conventional wisdom goes. They’re responsible for motivating their employees to turn out quality and perform at their best, as well as for organizing, training, and so forth. However, motivation is a “soft” skill that many managers just don’t come equipped with. Some have never been instructed at length on the topic of <a href="http://smallbusiness.chron.com/motivation-employee-performance-1964.html">motivation</a>, and it’s not a skill one easily picks up on their own.  </p> <p>Therefore, many employees need to <strong>motivate better performance</strong> from within. If not, they lose interest and momentum.</p> <p> </p>

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Khaled Mohee Eldeen Abbas Mahmoud , Chartered Accountant # 10465 , Self-employed
تاريخ النشر: 2014/09/13
zafar abbas minhas
من قبل zafar abbas minhas , Freelance Writer , DAILY MASHRAQ


georgei assi
من قبل georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

There's work ethic and motivation to work regardless of whether or not to stimulate the Director properly stimulate your performance and satisfaction and  yourself and your ego for the performance of work is the biggest motivating because I do not see managers tell me or give me a thank you or reward you tell me a good thereby acting Must teach all employees and alumni basics and principles of sincerity in the work then you and your duty since you signed a contract to take pay versus performance for your business on the courts

Muhammad Abu Bakar Tariq
من قبل Muhammad Abu Bakar Tariq , Student Representative at School of MACE , University of Manchester

First of all please do not think that managers know everything. Second managers do not provide "initiatives". However you would be correct in saying that it is duty of managers to provide an environment through delegation of responsibility which will motivate employees to prove oneself and help in innovative solutions. 

In your case you can take initiative by accepting responsibilities from manager by saying "I will do it, I will handle it" rather than waiting for some one else to do it. 


Mike Adrian Obaña
من قبل Mike Adrian Obaña , Staff Nurse , Medeor 24x7 Hospital Dubai

If it is an initiative in doing a job, then take charge. Provide a proper approach to your manager that you would want to take initiative in a certain job. Don't hesitate and just take charge, if you aren't going to violate any company rules or policies, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are thinking that your manager's pride as a leader is going to be affected, then it will be an issue, so the best way to avoid any conflicts is to express your self in an open-minded manner. 


If however you are pertaining to taking initiative actions in motivating your team, which you manager cant provide, then do it in an indirect manner. Motivate anyone through your actions, soon your manager will notice it and realize his shortcomings. If he is too egoistic and full of pride, he can't really do anything much against you since  you are actually just doing your job.

Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
من قبل Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

I don't accept those managers who do not give their employees the space to take initiatives. As a manager you cannot be on top of every employee all the time. Besides the best management practice is to tell your employees what to do and let them decide how to do it within company's rules and regulations. 

Every job in the world requires a level of taking initiatives otherwise human will work as a machine, if something went wrong, it will stop until someone comes to solve the problem.


But why do they do that? Usually, the main reasons behind that are

- The ego-thinking: "I am the manager and I decide what to do and what not". 

- Independancy: They are afraid that an employee who takes initiatives, wants to be independent of them

- Fear from competition, they think that an employee who takes initiative may become a threat to them.


To handle this problem as an employee, think about the reasons above, and make sure to set your manager at rest. Reassure that you respect him as YOUR manager and that you are taking the initiative to make HIS department be successull..


Here,Motivation as to performance is a qualitative consideration more than benefit wise as on agreed terms.  Here you go for the otherside and look at your performance, you can find more and more spaces for improvement.  If the same work is done by others, you can also see that there is some more scope for the improvement...finally you will arrive with an answer that narrows the improvement side....At the completion level of perfection you can experience the motivation, you are to motivate yourselves upto that level.

From a manager's point of view he starts motivating an employee earlier, when the employee is put on a work in which he is not accostomed to, but having talents to capature and adaptable to that job.  For adequately qualified employees prior motivation may lead to adverse affects than desired becuase he losses all chance for growing and relating his academic knowledge and the profession he is engaged to. 

Shradha Agarwal
من قبل Shradha Agarwal , Senior Tax Analyst , Deloitte Tax Services India Pvt. Ltd.

Manager plays a very vital role to motivate and to keep the momentum of the team. Once he succeeds in establishing these components his50% task gets done. Managers should really know how to appreciate the hard word of their subordinates and challenge them to take up a task which interests them and provide them with research engines rather than giving them the task directly, this way they establish a different bond with the subordinate and they feel they are helped. Manager should help the subordinates by planning regular catch-up meeting to be in Loop.

عصام الدين حامد العبيد حامد
من قبل عصام الدين حامد العبيد حامد , Finance Manager , Arab Academy for Specail Education

Agreed with the answer given by Mr. Mike Adrian.

amer jayyousi
من قبل amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance

Lead by example

Jaygopal Raghavan
من قبل Jaygopal Raghavan , Head - Marketing , Beyond the Line Initiative (formerly BTL)

Motivation is a very personal skill and one that cannot be taught or instructed. Motivation depends on two things - the organisational environment and the self. If the organisational environment is not motivational or doesnt enthuse an employee then it depends on how far you are motivated yourself.

So irrespective of whether you manager or the organisation provides it, one has to be motivate oneself. Keep creating small milestones in your work path and go out to achieve them irrespective of whether it is recognised or someone tasks you for it. It could be something as simple as processing your suppliers bill so that he gets his payment on time, teaching an english word a day to your office boy, tidying up your work surroundings, filing away your papers, keeping a tab on your colleagues birthday and wishing them or as complex as finishing a project ahead of schedule. 


Basically the secret is to stay motivated enough to enjoy and look forward to coming to work the next day. The day you have a dreaded feeling of going to work, should be the last day in that office.

You are right, motivation has to come from within and one way to gain this skill is to be more open and conducive to your surroundings. Have a helping attitude and be positive at work.


Khaled Mohee Eldeen Abbas Mahmoud
من قبل Khaled Mohee Eldeen Abbas Mahmoud , Chartered Accountant # 10465 , Self-employed


7 Keys To Motivate Better Performance From Within:


1. Find a clear sense of purpose or direction


If your manager does not provide you the “what, when, and why”…ask! Valuable project time is lost. Ask your manager for an example of what the finished product should look like. What are the project objectives? Are they SMART objectives? What are the milestones? Do you understand what’s expected of you?


2. Continually ask for your manager’s feedback


Don’t allow your manager to isolate him or herself. The manager may say, “You handle it”, but do they really mean it? Project review should be a required part of every process — in fact, the quality standard, ISO9001. mandates reviews! Always ask (of yourself and your manager) what can be improved.


3. Be honest about your skills and training


Do you have enough for the job in question? If not, can you get more — or more specific — training? Can anyone mentor you in this area? And does the company have a training plan in mind for you?


4. Assess your resources


Specify what you will need to complete the project. Ask your manager how resources will be allocated and be sure you will be adequately supplied.


5. If a problem (setback) occurs, tell your manager ASAP


As soon as you have the facts to rationally discuss the case bring it up to your manager. Present the facts clearly and logically. Present opinions, too, but be sure not to pass them off as facts. Try to offer one or more potential solutions, as well.


6. Be an influential team member


Be part of the team. Don’t hold back on any of your ideas. Each team member must contribute something to the success of any project…otherwise, it’s not really a “team project”, is it?


7. At the end of the project, ask your manager for feedback


There is always room for improvement, so learn from the praise and the criticism and incorporate it in subsequent projects. You can’t always rely on others to provide you the guidance and incentive you need to be an outstanding performer. Sometimes you have to take the initiative.


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