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Is Google in 2014 more of a "search engine for information" OR a "platform for targeted marketing"?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google
تاريخ النشر: 2014/09/16
Shahan Khan
من قبل Shahan Khan , Officer GSP , WWF-Pakistan (Corporate Relations)

Sir, I believe that nowadays google is acting as a "platform for targeted marketing" for MARKETERS as well as it is also acting as an search engine for scholars, students, teachers etc.

Nicholas Poshayi
من قبل Nicholas Poshayi , Teacher/Librarian/Academic Teacher , Brooke Bond School

It serves both platforms brother,as a search engine and as a platform for targeted marketing.


By continuing to be One among  the top rated Search Engines, it also provide a 'platform for targeted marketing' in a more effective way compared to other competitors in this field, this is what I feel to the best of my belief.

Binoy Sinha
من قبل Binoy Sinha , Sr. Brand Services Director , Lowe Lintas

It is a mix of both but skewed more towards the later. For instance, I am looking for the specs of newly launched car, the following pages that I access on google or any other site would have banners on a car dealership site or car accessories and so on...

Nila Eslit
من قبل Nila Eslit , Content Writer for Fitness web , George Allen

It is both.

Farooq Ahmed
من قبل Farooq Ahmed , Senior SEO Manager , Data Ladder

It will serve as both as it did previously. As a search engine it still help its users for better information and as a marketing platform it attract marketers to market their products & services on it. 

Ismi Puji Hastuti
من قبل Ismi Puji Hastuti , English Teacher , SMK Widya Taruna

Where there is sugar, there are bound to be ants. Since Google is the best search engine which will be crowded by most of people around the world, It will be "rich-area" to be the platform for targeted marketing for business. However, the amount of people are more than the number of marketers, I believe that Google is still being a "search engine for information". Thanks for invitation. 

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Google is the best search engine that keep updating and adding new options, and in my point of view they are very smart people focus more on make it as platform for targeted marketing with variety of options the absolutely will help you to reach your audience and increase your sales and awareness and this is very helpful for google to acquisition the digital market and increase sales.

Divyesh Patel
من قبل Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

Its both.

With the Internet being where most people find information today and Google being the first place most people look, it’s no secret that you need your site to be among the top rankings to seriously impact your website traffic.

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