"My secret to success is to be the same person at work that I am when having a great day with my best friend. You listen to your friends, right? So listen to your employees. Then just be that person, each and every day. If you are brave, forthcoming and transparent, you don't have to try to be a great leader. You can be yourself."
- Scott Moorehead, CEO
Love that and I would say you grow to become a charismatic leader.
My dad is a Pastor. He was not a Pastor during his younger years; in fact he drank quite considerably. He was approached by a charismatic member one Saturday afternoon while he was drinking. This individual spoke with him about Christianity etc. The following day, Sunday, he decided to go to this individual’s church. He found faith for about a year or so but went back to drinking. On his second attempt though, he stayed the course. During this time, he became a Pastor.
To answer your question, I do not think it either (my opinion); it is the strength of the person’s conviction that makes them a Charismatic Leader. Although our paths are chosen for us, we are still left with decisions that we have to make along our journey through life.
My dad could have carried on drinking (not the part that was chosen for him – my opinion) or he could become a charismatic person. He chose the latter. Our paths have already been chosen for us before we are born. It is only as adults that we can choose those predetermined paths. As we are not aware of what path has been chosen for us we, have to use our own discretion and hope that we are doing the right thing. As you know, when you do the wrong thing in your heart you feel that it is wrong, that means that that is the wrong choice and you are going off the path chosen for you.
Charismatic leadership has three essential component Power, Presence and Warmth, and with proper mentoring, coaching and experience these components can be acquired hence, leaders can be made and not necessarily they have to have inborn talent...!!!
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Definitely not, it is the environment that motivates him or her to become a Charistmatic leader. Some Charistmatic leader became just because a different purpose
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ABDULKHALIQ ALI , Corporate Trainer and IM Conslutant , freelance
Indefinitely made. From birth, and by responding to various external and internal pressure for instictive needs and desires, a person takes the highway of charismatic leadership. Everything then falls into place.