ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Please give reasons that it is better for someone to start own business before quit from job?

<p>When someone desire to have own business, why it needs to start it before quit from job?</p>

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ismi Puji Hastuti , English Teacher , SMK Widya Taruna
تاريخ النشر: 2014/11/01

1.The benefit of a regular and comfortable income after retirement to cop up with increasing expenditure, i.e. cost of living, medical expenses and to maintain a reasonable standard of living when the present job does not provide with pension benefits.

2. By being idle keep one very uncomfortable.

3.Dependency is a great problem.

4.Responsibility of human being at every stage.

5.To fully utilise what the expertise you have, whatever may be the size of the business for a self satisfaction level.

6.Before leaving the job the business is started means all teething troubles of the business are over and you will get a continuity of income. 

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

From experience.

Unless you have the cash to start the business and run it for a few years it's best to keep you job.

Muhammad  Asif
من قبل Muhammad Asif

Before starting a business make sure you have answers for all these questions.


  •   Do I have a perfect vision with reference to who I am and what I do?

  •   Do I have a gainful plan of action that can give me a continuous income?

  •   Do I have enough start-up capital and working assets?

  • Do I know my potential business sector and the competitors?

  •  Do I have a solid emotionally supportive network?

    For more details and consulting contact businesslinkuae.com or write us in

Awwab Ahmed
من قبل Awwab Ahmed , Web-Developer, Graphic-Designer. , Conobio

Actual your Questions depends on situation.

it's better to start Business if you find comfortable with below.

1.If you have enough finance.

2.If you have experience regarding your field of business.

3.If you have lot of connection with people.

4.If you have a good partner.

Business is not simple as we see and as we think there might be rise and low in business if you have a capabilty "miss" start and quit your job....:)

Most importantly everthing depends on "FATE".

else it's good to hold your job.

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