ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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What have you done to make you standing out from the crowd in your profession/ career?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ismi Puji Hastuti , English Teacher , SMK Widya Taruna
تاريخ النشر: 2014/11/16
Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

Decide what standing out from the crowd means for you. Is this about looking as different from everyone else around you as you can possibly be or is it about going the extra mile to prove that you are one of a kind in skills, talent, or personality? Standing out from the crowd might be about trying to live your best and be your best. Or, it might be about trying to have a unique style or look that you've created yourself without borrowing from other people's ideas. At its most basic, standing out from the crowd means embracing your individuality and trusting that your own choices are good ones. The person you're projecting out to everyone will stand out more successfully if you're fully confident about yourself.

Think for yourself. Standing out from the crowd won't happen if you're thinking with the crowd. While there will be times when the crowd-think does align with your own thoughts, what about all those times it hasn't? Be prepared to voice your differences, your concerns, and your preferences. When talking, it is important to come across as self-assured and knowledgeable, so be sure to have done your research and know your facts beforehand.

Don't be swayed by the crowd. The pace of the crowd can be relentless and the ease with which the crowd can change its mind, its clothes, or its latest fad is breathtaking. Barely anyone in the crowd stops a moment to wonder if this shared momentum is responsible in a big picture way or whether it's conscious of individual needs. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you're going to need to stop and ask the hard questions, such as "Is there a point to this?" or "Just because everyone else has X gadget, why do I also need one? Will it enhance my life?"

  • Learn how to respond to insistent people who tell you that you're missing out on something if you don't join in. Sometimes their agenda is to ensure that you're as indebted, engrossed, or mystically enthralled by something as they are rather than it being of any real benefit to you personally.

zafar abbas minhas
من قبل zafar abbas minhas , Freelance Writer , DAILY MASHRAQ


Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
من قبل Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

Setting higher goals and push myself up to reach these goals

Shagufta Zafar
من قبل Shagufta Zafar , Principal , Allied School



When there is crowd I will keep myself away from it. But for all emergencies I will be there in the prime place.....no matter whatever the job is--- which is required to fill the complete space of the entrusted responsibilities.

Zainul  Abid
من قبل Zainul Abid , Office In Charge , Bin Sari Specialized Technologies W.L.L

when there is a crowd facing towards me i just turn to the same side the crowd is facing so that i will be the leader for that crowd

Muhammad Faisal Mohsin
من قبل Muhammad Faisal Mohsin , Manager Admin/Instructor , SHAHAB ACADEMY ® Primary & Secondary School


Sense of ownership, Means taking care of things which aren't your responsibility, Like, if i saw a wrapper pack of chips lying on the floor, I won't call janitor and put it by myself in dustbin, Also i'm  a self starter i don't wait for instructions , i always try my best to complete the task so when the Boss ask for it it takes seconds to handover or present him the Assignment. So keep your self ahead and go for an extra mile in your profession. That's my humble opinion.

من قبل LABIB KOOLI , Director of the Sectoral Center for Training in Hotel Technologies at Southern Hammamet , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

I started my profession within a very mis-organised company

and when I discovered the ISO Stadandard of Quality I said I found my dream path... !


hossam azzam
من قبل hossam azzam , Fast food restaurant,s manager. , alexandria-egypt

Thanks for the invitation

Good question

I'm always working on the development of my character

  ,professional & gain more theoretical and practical

experience in the areas of my practical life with

 development specialist , my abilities , my skills , my talents

  and my knowledge professional , personal as well too for sure

  in order to suit the requirements of  responsibilities

and to be always advanced & privileged as well too in my career.




Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Kindly read the following article: There are ways to stand out in the crowd in a professional way and be noticed as the real artist that you are. Here are some of them.

1. Take your work seriously. Being a respected artist requires that you become a master at your craft. If you’re not working consistently already, get out there and hone your skills in every way possible.

2. Don’t take yourself too seriously. We all make mistakes, and it’s how we handle it that makes the difference. Learn to laugh at yourself, brush yourself off, and carry on with the job at hand.

3. Be a server. The entertainment industry is full of actors who are hoping to get their break, but the actors who really stand out show up with something to give. An attitude of service makes people interested in what you have to offer.

4. Be disciplined. Artists often live by impulse and feeling, but those who really make it in the world of dollars and time constraints also develop the art of discipline. Consistently show up on time, honour your commitments, and be prepared.

5. Know thyself. Get feedback from others, and find out how you come across. This way you can accurately market yourself and target the roles that fit.

6. Say “no” when necessary. If you keep saying “yes” to everything that comes along, you’ll get lost. Get clear about what you really want and don’t be afraid to say “no” to what you don’t want.

7. Raise your emotional intelligence. There are more than enough wacky folks in the crowd so do your personal work and heal what needs to be healed—not only for the sake of your work but for the business itself.

8. Love thyself. Self-love has nothing to do with the ego. It is a confidence and friendship inside you that elevates your relationships with everything else. You’ll stand out by being modest yet happy with who you are.

9. Believe you can do it. When you truly believe you can create what you envision and you take the steps to make it happen, not much can get in the way.

10. Act like you’re already successful. People who act like wannabes tend to stay that way. Start being the person you want to be, and life will meet you there.

11. Do whatever you do with excellence. Even if you’re currently waiting tables or doing extra work—excel in it. Practicing excellence anywhere prepares you to deliver high-quality work as a professional.

12. Be a master collaborator. Be a great team player. Make your fellow cast members look good, and show up for the benefit of all.

13. Be kind to everyone. Lots of people in our industry are only nice to those who can do something for them. Stand out by treating everyone as important and interesting—even those who can do nothing for you in return.

14. Be response-able. Respond to e-mails, calls, requests, and inquiries as soon and often as you can. Your responsiveness will have you stand out as a person who respects others and communicates well.

15. Be responsible. If you miss an appointment or make a mistake, you’ll gain respect from the industry if you take responsibility for your own actions and make the amends you need to make.

16. Get organized. Get to know what it’s like to be organized in your own life so that when the opportunity turns up, you’re ready and able to be part of a larger organization, like a production or show.

17. Have purpose. Purpose is one of the most important things an actor can have. I’m not talking about the popular things like “I want to win an award,” but rather a deeper understanding of why you’re even in the business and what your higher intention is.

18. Practice listening. Learn to listen from your heart, to listen with intuition, and to listen to what’s being said beyond the words. You will stand out in life and as an actor.

19. Be around those who elevate you. There are plenty of miserable, complaining actors sitting around saying they should be famous by now. Positive, proactive, creative, and inspiring artists rise to the top, and if you’re going to be around anyone, make it the people you want to be more like

.20. Set achievable goals. For many, goals are impossible to accomplish because they’ve not been thought through. Get clear about what you want and get some support in creating an easy, doable plan for your career path.

21. Be inspired. A passion for life attracts us to the actors we love and keeps them on our screens. To stand out and inspire others, you must first be inspired.

Kanthi Kiran
من قبل Kanthi Kiran , Project Contributor , The Raymond Shop Bergaya-My

 I just want to say:

Improvising,Improvising,Improvising...Thats all you can do!!!!!


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