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What job suits me knowing that I have more than 5 years experience on sales on various fields?

i want in line to my profession

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Edgie Magbanua , Sales, Purchaser and Operations , Legit General Trading
تاريخ النشر: 2013/07/01

Sales is the career you have undergone and it would be the same for you the best as well.....

Search for jobs in sales or marketing, both are same but slightly different....

Adham Attia
من قبل Adham Attia , Head Of eCommerce & Omnichannel , Ghassan Aboud Group

Hi Edgie, after checking you profile, i think you still have the flexability to choose the sales field that you prefer, also you can be a general sales, but you will not be able to sell product or servies that needs you to be specialised in it, like IT, FMCG, etc.
  Hope i could help  

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

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