أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Agreed to you....... Mr. VJ
Internet advertising is huge
With the growth of information on the internet has growth the amount of time people spend on it, which has in turn generated a new market for internet advertising. Some of the wealthiest companies in the world have made sure that they get a piece of the internet marketing pie, and for a good reason.
Internet advertising is targeted
As a company looking for advertising opportunities to a specific market, internet advertising offers some targeting methods that insure that those who see your ads are the ones most likely to buy. Programs like Google's AdWords and AdSense match up advertisers with content that their target market peruses regularly. Forget the costly machine-gun strategy of newspaper advertisements, internet advertising is targeted!
Internet adverting enables good conversion tracking
It's impossible to get a good idea of how many people see advertising through traditional means. Tracking the reach of newspaper and television advertisments is difficult. However, internet advertising allows the advertiser to track the number of impressions an ad gets (how many people see it), and how many visits their business web site gets from particular ads, making it easy to see what kind of conversion rates internet advertisements are getting.
Internet advertising has a lower entry-level fees
If you have a limited budget, internet advertising can be much more in reach than traditional methods. A small yellow-page ad can cost several hundred dollars. However, you can bid for advertisements on Google and Overture on a performance basis. That means that you only get charged when visitors click on the advertisement, and bidding starts at a nickle or dime a pop.
Internet advertising can be much cheper
Because of the targeted nature of internet advertising and the ability to track the effectiveness of ads, conversion rates from internet advertising is typically much better than traditional mediums.
Internet advertising has greater range
One more benefit is that, since the internet spans the globe, pockets of your target market scattered around the world can all be targetted at once, rather than trying to find different publications, radio stations and television stations that cater to a particular geographical area.
On the whole, internet advertising can be a great way to get the word out there about your service or product in a cost-effective, efficient way.
Agree with the comprehensive answer provided by Mr. Jetley.
With the coverage the internet has today, it is the best mode of advertising. The best advantage is that it can be replayed n number of times unlike TV or radio, and people do not usually read the newspaper twice.
In our world today, everything is on the run. Everybody owns a smart phone but not everybody reads a newspaper or watches TV or even listens to radio stations. So the percentage of potential clients more is online. We notice everyday millions of ads on websites, social media and for much lower cost than that on TV or in newspaper.
In Lebanon any company can broadcast an ad online for about100,000 people for only300 dollars. While in newspaper or TV it is much much higher.
Less expensive
Real-Time Results
Wider geographical reach
Easy result measurement
More targeted audiences
Agree with the well explained answer by Mr. Viinod Jetley.
already well explained by colleagues.
Good6 advantages.
Good question and answer by Mr. Jetley.
The two out most advantages are : Less cost + Global reaching
Agree with you all !