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The most effective way to manage generational challenges is the simplest – encourage communication throughout your organization. Find opportunities where employees can share their values and needs with you, and with each other. More connections mean greater awareness, acceptance and an improved ability to work together as a team in achieving your business goals. You also put your organization on the path to being able to leverage the unique strengths that each generation has to offer.
Thanks for colleagues on these answers
Beautiful answers by Mr. Patel and Mr. Krishna.
From my Point of View (( Always be Updated )) in all your life as social and career as well, I mean to hear the language and the body language and the way of moving , everything through media is the best way to follow any update around you.
It is very easy to fill the generation gap. You need to keep your self up-to-date. If you are up-to-date then the generation gap will never arise. The whole problem only starts when you use traditional methods when there are a latest methods available in the market and you are not aware of it.
Update with Technological development in the field. Accept in principle the fast pace the young generation are proceeding with the activities, make sure an acceptable approach and not a restrictive approach to the mode of thinking and creativity. At the same time no matter to prevent the unethical nature and policies.
I agree with Mr. Divesh patel and Mr Venkitaraman
Through interactions, debates and sharing of different view points and perspectives. It's give and take for the both parties.
Reverse mentoring may be a great idea. It's always great to go back to the classroom to start afresh with new ideas.
Gen Y has a lot of zeal, new ideas, new ways of approaching problems, innovative solutions for you and the organization, calls for a mindset change for the Gen X individuals, to put aside our hats of experience and look at the same concept, in a complete new perspective.
Informally connect over sport or lunch/dinner or recreation to explore common interests outside of work, may help with building strong working relationships, that could reduce this gap to a good extent.