أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Well here is an example for you to see how the views are dealt with in BDC's...
***************************************************** ****This is a BDC for Semi finished Materials******** report ZBDC_SEMIFIN no standard page heading line-size255. include bdcrecx1. Tables: Mara,"General Material Data mard,"Storage Location Data for Material mvke,"Sales Data for Material Makt,"Material Descriptions marc,"Plant Data for Material mbew,"Material Valuation rlgrap."Program Fields/Screen Fields for SAPLGRAP Data: begin of ITAB occurs0,"Internal table for Semi-Finished Material * Initial data matnr like mara-matnr, "Material Code mbrsh like mara-mbrsh, "Industry Data mtart like mara-mtart, "Material Type * Org Data Werks like marc-werks, "Plant lgort like mard-lgort, "Storage Location vkorg like mvke-vkorg, "Sales Orgnization vtweg like mvke-vtweg, "Distribution Chanel * Basic1 Maktx Like makt-maktx, "Description meins like mara-meins, "Uom matkl like mara-matkl, "Material Group BISMT LIKE MARA-BISMT, " Old Material Number spart like mara-spart, "Division brgew(7),"like mara-brgew, "Gross Weight gewei like MARA-GEWEI, "Weight Unit ntgew(7)," like mara-ntgew, "Net Weight * Purchasing MAKTL LIKE MARA-MATKL, "Material Group ekwsl like MARA-EKWSL, " Purchasing Value Key ekgrp like MARC-EKGRP, " Purchasing Group * Mrp1 disgr like MARC-DISGR, "Mrp Group * ekgrp like MARC-EKGRP, "Purchasing group dismm like MARC-DISMM, "Mrp Type dispo like MARC-DISPO, "Mrp Controller disls like MARC-DISLS, "Lot Size BSTMI like MARC-BSTMI, BSTMA like MARC-BSTMA, BSTRF like MARC-BSTRF, BSTFE like MARC-BSTFE, * Mrp2 beskz like MARC-BESKZ, "Procurement type lgpro like MARC-LGPRO, "Production Storage Location dzeit(3),"like MARC-DZEIT, "In house Production time plifz(3),"like MARC-PLIFZ, "Planned delivery time fhori(3),"like MARC-FHORI, "Sched margin key eisbe like MARC-EISBE, "Safety stock * Mrp3 PERKZ LIKE MARC-PERKZ, vrmod like MARC-VRMOD, "Consumption mode vint1(3)," like MARC-VINT1, "Backward Consumption period vint2(3),"like MARC-VINT2, "Forward Consumption period mtvfp like MARC-MTVFP, "Availability Check * Mrp4 sbdkz like MARC-SBDKZ, "Individual/ Collective SAUFT like MARC-SAUFT, "Repetitive Manufacturing SFEPR like MARC-SFEPR, "REM Profile * Work Scheduling View ausme like MARC-AUSME, "Unit of issue FEVOR LIKE MARC-FEVOR, "Production Scheduler SFCPF like MARC-SFCPF, "Production Scheduler Profile umren(5)," like RMMZU-UMREN, "Val for base uom umrez(5) ,"like RMMZU-UMREz, "Value for uo issue * Accounting1 bklas like MBEW-BKLAS, "Valuation Class vprsv like MBEW-VPRSV, "Price Control Indicator verpr(7)," like MBEW-VERPR, "Value/Price STPRS like MBEW-STPRS, *COSTING EKALR LIKE MBEW-EKALR," With qty str LOSGR like MARC-LOSGR, " Costing Lot size end of ITAB. ********************************************************** Data: W_record type I, "Record Allready exists. w_trecord type I. "Total record processed start-of-selection. perform upload. "Upload Data from Text File Perform Open_group. "Create a session clear : w_record,w_trecord. perform semi. "Create Semi Finish Materials if w_trecord gt0 or w_record gt0. perform batch_job. endif. perform close_group. "Close session FORM SEMI. loop at ITAB. * Check for material in master ************************* select single * from mara where matnr eq ITAB-matnr. if sy-subrc ne0. w_trecord = w_trecord +1. *Initial Screen perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RMMG1-MTART'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=AUSW'. perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-MATNR' ITAB-MATNR. perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-MBRSH' 'M'. perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-MTART' 'HALB'. ***********************Views********************************** *Select Views perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MSICHTAUSW-DYTXT(17'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(01)' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(09)' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(12)' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(13)' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(14)' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(15)' 'X'.. perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(17)' 'X'. ***********************Views********************************** *perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' * 'MSICHTAUSW-DYTXT(01)'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' * '/00'. *perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' * 'MSICHTAUSW-DYTXT(17)'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' * '/00'. *perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(17)' * ITAB-KZSEL_17_011. *perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' * 'MSICHTAUSW-DYTXT(01)'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' * '/00'. *perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' * 'MSICHTAUSW-DYTXT(13)'. *perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' * '=ENTR'. *perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(13)' * ITAB-KZSEL_13_012. *Org Data perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0080'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RMMG1-LGORT'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ENTR'. perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-WERKS' ITAB-WERKS. perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-LGORT' ITAB-LGORT. *Basic1 perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP09'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MATKL' ITAB-MATKL. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-BISMT' ITAB-BISMT. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-SPART' ITAB-SPART. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MTPOS_MARA' 'NORM'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARA-NTGEW'. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-BRGEW' ITAB-BRGEW. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-GEWEI' ITAB-GEWEI. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-NTGEW' ITAB-NTGEW. *Purchasing perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP12'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-EKGRP' ITAB-EKGRP. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MATKL' ITAB-MATKL. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARA-EKWSL'. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-EKWSL' ITAB-EKWSL. *MRP1 perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP13'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-EKGRP' ITAB-EKGRP. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DISMM' ITAB-DISMM. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DISPO' ITAB-DISPO. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-DISLS'. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DISLS' ITAB-DISLS. IF ITAB-DISLS EQ 'EX' . perform bdc_field using 'MARC-BSTMI' ITAB-BSTMI."MIN LOT SIZE perform bdc_field using 'MARC-BSTMA' ITAB-BSTMA."MAX LOT SIZE perform bdc_field using 'MARC-BSTRF' ITAB-BSTRF."RNDING ELSEIF ITAB-DISLS EQ 'FX'. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-BSTFE' ITAB-BSTFE. ENDIF. *MRP2 perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP14'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-BESKZ' ITAB-BESKZ. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-LGPRO' ITAB-LGPRO. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DZEIT' ITAB-DZEIT. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-PLIFZ' ITAB-PLIFZ. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-FHORI' ITAB-FHORI. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-EISBE'. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-EISBE' ITAB-EISBE. *MRP3 perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP15'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-PERKZ' ITAB-PERKZ. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-VRMOD' ITAB-VRMOD. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-VINT1' ITAB-VINT1. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-VINT2' ITAB-VINT2. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-MTVFP'. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-MTVFP' ITAB-MTVFP. *MRP4 perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP17'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-SBDKZ' ITAB-SBDKZ. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-SFEPR'. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-SAUFT' ITAB-SAUFT. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-SFEPR' ITAB-SFEPR. *Work Scheduling perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP24'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-SFCPF'. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-FEVOR' ITAB-FEVOR. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-LGPRO' ITAB-LGPRO. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-SFCPF' ITAB-SFCPF. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DZEIT' ITAB-DZEIT. *Check for Conversation Factor if ITAB-MEINS ne iTAB-ausme and iTAB-umren gt 0 and iTAB-umrez gt 0. perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0510'. perform bdc_field using: 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ENTR', 'RMMZU-UMREN' ITAB-UMREN, 'RMMZU-UMREZ' ITAB-UMREZ. endif. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-LGPRO' itab-LGPRO. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-DZEIT' itab-DZEIT. *Accounting perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SP26'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-SPART' ITAB-SPART. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MBEW-STPRS'. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-BKLAS' ITAB-BKLAS. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-VPRSV' ITAB-VPRSV. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-STPRS' ITAB-STPRS. IF ITAB-VPRSV = 'S'. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-STPRS' "FILLS STD PRICE ITAB-VERPR. ELSEIF ITAB-VPRSV ='V'. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-VERPR' "FILLS VALUE ITAB-VERPR. ENDIF. *Cost Estimate perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4000'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'. perform bdc_field using 'MAKT-MAKTX' ITAB-MAKTX. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'MARC-PRCTR'. perform bdc_field using 'MARA-MEINS' ITAB-MEINS. perform bdc_field using 'MBEW-EKALR' ITAB-EKALR. perform bdc_field using 'MARC-LOSGR' ITAB-LOSGR. perform bdc_transaction using 'MM01'. REFRESH BDCDATA. * ************************************************************* else. w_record = w_record +1. endif. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. form Upload. CALL FUNCTION 'UPLOAD' EXPORTING CODEPAGE = ' ' FILENAME = ' ' FILETYPE = ' ' TABLES DATA_TAB = ITAB EXCEPTIONS CONVERSION_ERROR =1 INVALID_TABLE_WIDTH =2 INVALID_TYPE =3 NO_BATCH =4 UNKNOWN_ERROR =5 GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER =6 OTHERS =7. ENDFORM. form batch_job. uline. format color col_heading. if w_trecord gt0. Write:/ 'Background Job has been Created for ', w_trecord right-justified, 'Semi-Fin',80 ''. write:/ 'Please follow the following steps to run this job', 80 ''. write:/ 'as listed below.',80 ''. format color col_normal. skip. write:/05 '1.Goto Transaction SM35',80 ''. write:/05 '2.Select your Session Name',80 ''. write:/05 '3.Click On Execute Button',80 ''. endif. if w_record gt0. format color col_negative. write:/ w_record ,'records already existed',80 ''. format color off. endif. uline. endform.