أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Consumers are the key elements for marketing a product.It is very necessary to assess timely the consumers satisfaction on certain products.Marketers and Producers can take immediate action to develop the marketable product.When consumers understand that, the company are careful for the product and service development then they depend on that company and also their products and service.So it is very necessary to know the consumers feedback regularly targeting market promotion.
For sure especially if you took their comments and suggestions into consideration. i always say
the consumer can see what we can't.
definitely regular consumer feedback enhances sustainable marketing. It increases the consumer loyalty to the company and its products from one side, and gives the company the end user's feedback on its products which will ultimately help the company tweak the product to meet the exact needs of its customers.