أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Before deciding which tools are best for you, keep in mind that they're only as good as the person wielding them. You still have to ask the right people the right questions—these tools will simply help the process to run a lot more smoothly.Many of these services bundle all of your survey needs into monthly or annual packages. You write the questions, and they distribute your surveys, analyze the results, and deliver the data to you—and most are browser-based, meaning you can access them from anywhere.
You should have complete details of your target market. Apply the marketing tool that you think is best for that specific market and definitely you will get a good result.
Their are multiple ways to do survey. and depending on the market and the Target Group we need to opt the survey tools accordingly.Online survey
One on one survey
Using 3rd party survey where a person will go and try to get the survey done from a particluar sample group
It depends on the purpose of the survey as a start. What do you want the survey to tell you? The importance first lies in the research questions and the tools required to reach out to the audience. The target audience is of great importance. Focus groups is a great tool. Additionally you can reach out to your existing customer database with a phone survey and email (make sure not to go to spam). This is the first foundation. Based on the resullts you can plan further to know further if your questions are not answered.
Will be helpful in analyzing the consumer behavior
will be helpful in planning marketing strategies
will be helpful in forecasting