من قبل
Princess Al Khateeb , Senior Translation Specialist , Ministry Of Transport And Communications - Qatar
Its more fum to teach kids than adult as I think. Try to use the things children think of and like such as video clips, animations and games in the classroom. Start with the very simple grammar and employ it in a presentation suitable for kids. Its important to use colors, movements, music, anything that can attract their attention is preferable.
First, use short video clips to preview grammar situations.
Then, elicit similar sentences by the students.
After that use PowerPoint presentations to explain the rules.
Finally, use handouts for assessment.
Hello collegues,
Children can be described as quick learners specially with their LAD (Language Aquisition Device) which enables them to memorize vocabulary lists and grammar rules approperiately.
Concerning teaching grammar, you can give them many examples and let them work out the rules themselves. You can also use songs that contain the rules they are studying. Children love colours and motion this can be used in audio-visual method beside colourful class facilities such as flash cards, videos, shapes and posters. It would be more interesting for them if they participated in making these tools.
So as we saw we can do many activities and you can invent your own.
I hope that helped.
من قبل
هنا شحادة حسين أبومنديل , مساعدة مشروع ومراقبة لجودة الوجبات الغذائية , الاونروا "وكالة الغوث الدولية لتشغيل اللاجئين في الشرق الأدنى"
Teaching English grammar can be hard going - for the teacher
and the students. It doesn't have to be difficult or
painful, however. You can teach English grammar using fun
learning games and before you know it your students will be
more than willing. How does it work, you ask. Well, there
has been a movement away from the traditional methods of
teaching English grammar through writing, rewriting and
worksheets to using a more active approach through games
Additionally, games have the advantage of allowing the
students to "practice and internalise vocabulary,
grammar and structures extensively." They can do this
because students are often more motivated to play games than
they are to do desk work. Plus, during the game, the
students are focused on the activity and end up absorbing
the language subconsciously. One can also add that fun
learning games usually contain repetition, which allows the
language to stick
While games are motivating for the students, probably
the best reason, according to Saricoban and Metin, to use
games is that "the use of such activities both
increases the cooperation and competition in the
classroom." One can use games to add excitement
through competition or games which create bonding among
students and teacher
Games that are amusing and challenging are highly
Games allow meaningful use of the language in context
Children are more motivated to learn grammar with games
من قبل
طارق الشبخ علي , مدرب , مؤسسات الرعاية الاجتماعية في لبنان دار الايتام الاسلامية
Now a days, Children are following the technology. Use your immagenation how use the technology like Power Point, colored pictures and so many things. Yet do not over dose the amount of the explaination of the lesson. That means the child always looks at the easiest way, so the less amount the better. After the presentation or what ever is used to explain, let them practice immediatlly by giving them exercises and let all share solving on the board and their notebooks.
There are2 ways:1 Expository2 Discovery
the new methods of Education tends to put the grammar into a text, the teacher is a facilitator and monitor, then highlighting the rule by eliciting from the students and after that tending to the communicative activities before the free one.
hi salma your question is very good i thought to ask it before but you did it before me .any way i think using role playing as a learning strategy is a good way for teaching grammar especially for kids.also colors and power point slide show is very very useful as eyes play with the pupils memory