Yes developed societies operate this system is effective and useful, such as social networking sites As for our Arab society it suits women more than men especially in the marketing and sales process
احب العمل من المنزل مثل التسويق الشبكي لانه ليس هناك من يتحكم في العمل الخاص بي ويمكنني تحديد اوقاتي بنفسي وبامكاني زيادة العمل من اجل زيادة الارباح والحرية في العمل ايضا
I believe in a combination of working from home and in the office. It takes a lot of discipline to work at home as far as distractions as well as knowing when to stop working.
It is better to have a number of days when you work from the office and interact personally with your peers, as well as working from home and interacting virtually.
من قبل
For the company it could be a good thing, as they can reduce the rental cost of the building by taking smaller office space, but for the individual working from home is not a good thing, you will tend to be unsocial, no more discussion among colleagues, no sharing of views and opinions, you will tempted to do other things, like watching tv, listening to radio, things like that cause it would be too quiet and you would soon get annoyed and bored.