Given my resume, what is the appropriate job description to me and monthly salary I supposed to get it, and what companies are interested in my experience?
Good day,
Your resume fits for the position of a Logistics Officer.
Main duties and responsibilities:
-Collect module needs of centers by considering the number of registered students from the registrar and stock balance of centers.
-Properly handle both original and copies of modules.
-Identify the availability of originals and copies of modules.
-Get the required copies of modules printed or duplicated.
-Get duplicated modules arranged and stapled.
-Dispatch the modules to centers.
-Arrange all the necessary materials for exam dispatch to centers.
-Ensure marked exams properly stored.
-Execute other activities designated by director.
The average salary for logistics officer jobs depends on the average salaries that can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.
Average monthly salary for a logistics officer is approximately :
USD1,367 in Egypt
USD1,407 in Lebanon
USD1,972 in Kuwait
USD2,356 in Saudi Arabia
USD2,469 in United Arab Emirates
USD4,004 in Bahrain
Attn: Benefits such as accommodation and transportation could not be supported by the employment package.
I advice you to look for a job in the following countries:
- Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates
- Bahrain
You can find a lot of interested companies in search engine.
Good Luck
من قبل
My advice :
. Write Job description according to your PRIOR job description .
. Regarding net salary write : according to Organization policy: once confirmed - go for debate to raise it up.
Dear Fadi,
Check on salary data to get a better idea on your salary comparison. I think you can be an asset for any big retail chain,3PL or4PL logistics/distribution company or any manufacturing concern. Keep applying and be persistent. You will get your break, for sure. Take care.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
بعد اطلاعي علي السيرة الذاتية الخاصة بكم يتضح الأتي :
الوصف الوظيفي العام فهو محاسب ،
اما المسميات الاخري ، فأنت تتصف بها لحظة انتماءك للمؤسسة التي ستقوم فيها بمجموعة مهام واعمال معينة ،من يفعلها يسمي داخل المؤسسة ،بمدير مبيعات ،او مخازن ، او تسويق او محاسب ........ مثلا،
وكلا منها تحتاج توصيف معبين وخبرة ومهارات ف الشخص ذاته
الخلاص ان لك مسمي وظيفي عام ، والاخر يلحق لك لحظة عمل تحت اي كيان ،
اما الراتب ،
فهو يخضع لتقديرات معينة داخل كل مؤسسة ،وكل قطاع ، ولها شرائح معينة ، وحسب حجم المؤسسة ذاتها،
فمثلا هناك شركات تعتقد ان راتب الموظف بها كعلامة مميزة لها وسمعة لها ، حتي تليق بمكانتها
وطبعا الخبرة لها عامل مؤثر في تقدير الراتب
لكن ليست محددة كأجرة عامل باليومية