ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


How could you deal with your manager as if he's commenting on everything you do or say negatively?

and he's not acting the same way with the other employees

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل sara ramadan , manager of marketing department , s2v company for business management
تاريخ النشر: 2013/07/31
sara ramadan
من قبل sara ramadan , manager of marketing department , s2v company for business management

first thank u all for ur time and ur appreciated answers.
second praising him is not changing anything and about being friendly with him, in this way he's thinking that he has the right to deal with me in this way .
and if i'm ignoring him he'll be mean .
if i talked to him and discussed his problem he'll still commenting negatively but i'd still say that im not doing anything wrong and u have no right to talk to me in this way .
thank you all again for ur great answers and solutions

Janna Abu Al Hassan
من قبل Janna Abu Al Hassan , Academic Coordinator , International Technical Female College

I like the straight way always , in this case I believe that talking directly with the manager is the best way .
I can pick a good time for him or her and go to her to ask her directly what is wrong with me .
tell me the negative points you see and me and I promise I will try to fix it even if I think that I am not doing anything wrong but facing people solve a lot of problems .
and try my best to figure out why she's always upset or commenting .
I think opening the discussion will open areas for both of you to think about yourselves .
You will think about your attitude and your quality in work and the other side will see something positive in you and will feel that he got your attention and he will try to change his way in dealing with you .
best of luck

Owais Malik
من قبل Owais Malik , Computer Engineer , Royal Al Reef Stables (H.H.Shiekh Tahnoon)

Hmmmm; Cottons / Ear buds are the best solutions, where u just can see your managers lips moving without hearing a word and just imagine that he singing your fav.
LOLs; jokes apart! Some issues should be addressed on asap basis, I would definitely take them out and have a cuppa or dinner and deal with it professionally and in friendly manner both.
"Where there is a will, there is a way"

Anita Viherpuro
من قبل Anita Viherpuro , Consultant , Presentte Oy

Tell your manager: I don't like to be treated this way. I have a right to be treated well and do the job I was hired to do in this company.

من قبل PRAVEEN VARMA , General Manager , Conoil Plc, Aappa Terminal

The first important thing is that you should not do the head on with your boss but at the same time never buckle down for the right work as per company policy.
Apart from that keep on doing the good work as per company policy.
With such treatment, you will face the difficulties for some time but some day or other your boss will realize these things and situation will get normal.
I have tested this in my professional life and I was successful with that.
Suppose you do not have patient to doing so then start looking for a new job.

How could you deal with your manager as if he's commenting on everything you do or say negatively? and he's not acting the same way with the other employees1.
You have something he wants, which he fears or knows he will never have.2.
Maybe you are a good worker and have your good standards and he doesn't like it because you are not3.
Maybe you are more popular than the other workers and the manager.4.
The manager has the problem not you.
Don't make it your problem.5.
Note what you do perform well.
Make a note of your strengths and weaknesses.
Are his comments truly unfair or is there room for improvement.6.
If his comments are totally unfair, meet with him armed with a few examples of what you are doing well and then look at areas where there could be improvement.7.
Listen to what the boss says when you discuss your strengths (provide evidence).
If he ignores these then he is being unreasonable and the problem could be more of a personality issue.
Some managers don't need excuses not to like someone.
If they choose to dislike someone they will do just that.8.
Do not rise to his bait and get angry or lower your standards to his negative communications.9.
If you like your job, keep firm in your own belief of your performance and if possible, ask him what development plans there are if he is so negative about you.
If he has no answers and only responds with more negativity, you can be assured that the manager has insecurity problems and does not know how to address them.10.
Be professional at all times, no matter how difficult and challenging it will be.
There is always more going on that you know.
If this has been going on for some time, seriously look at if you can continue to work in such an environment.
You can't change people but you can change you.

Mohammad AlKhonaini
من قبل Mohammad AlKhonaini , Business Development Manager , al-khonaini

Praise him.

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