أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Any thing that has a potential to cause a harm is know as hazard.
A cable placed on the access way is a hazard because it has the risk of trips,
Following are few types of hazards:
Electrical Hazards,
Mechanical Hazards,
Biological Hazards,
Chemical Hazards,
Physical Hazards,
(Hazard should not be confused with RISK, risk is a likelihood that a hazard will cause harm in combination with severity, Risk = likelihood x severity)
An object, building etc that could easily catch fire or cause a fire and thereby endanger life. Fire Hazard has many classifications as following:
1- Class A fires: consist of ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, fabric, plastic, and most kinds of trash.
2- Class B fires: fires from fuel, whether is flammable or combustible liquid or gas.
3- Class C fires: electrical fires are fires involving potentially energized electrical equipment.
4- Class D fires: consist of combustible metals such as magnesium, potassium, titanium, & zirconium.
5- Class K fires: involve unsaturated cooking oils in well-insulated cooking appliances located in commercial kitchens.