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What strategy should one follow to ensure sustainable development for a business enterprise ??

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Anjay Jacob , Office and Duty Manager , Heidelberg Medical Care Group
تاريخ النشر: 2015/04/30
Mahfuja parven
من قبل Mahfuja parven , Assistant Director of Asia(Health) , GreenWorldOne


Strategy for Supply Chain Development;Establish a comprehensive Strategy that address these risks for my project to expand my opportunity for success

Strategy for development should address

1.Feedstock yield

2.Feedstock Quality and Composition

3.Feedstock delivery-Quantity and Schedule

4.Project timeline-plant startup and Feedstock scale up

5.Process technology capabilities

6.Plant Operations

7.Financing Risk

8.Risk Management.

Energy Audits


Determine the way energy is used in your organisation and identify practical and cost effective ways to increase efficiency.


Carbon Footprint Assessment


Quantify and report your carbon footprint in accordance with international standards (ISO14064).


Carbon Reduction and Carbon LifeCycle Assessment;



Find out the full environmental impact of your products and services and how your business can reduce energy costs.



Gain immediate business value and achieve your sustainability goals thatcan help your company understand their carbon footprint, develop a customised action plan to reduce emissions, save money and engage staff in the process.

First Table focuses on Managing Zero;

Management concept


Total Quality Management

Zero defects

Just –in-time

Zero inventory

Total customer satisfaction

Zero defections

Health and safety in the company

Zero accidents

Total Productivity of materials

Zero emissions

Consensus -building

Zero conflicts

Table;Managing Zeros

Source;ZERI Foundation ,Geneva

2nd table Focuses On Cleaner Production Versus Zero Emissions;


Cleaner Production and reduce-re-use-recycle

Zero Emissions or total productivity

The first step to take

The final objective

Reducing downstream effects

Create new industries upstream

Minimise waste

Value –added inputs

Reduce costs

Generate more income

Single process

Clustering of industries

Focus on waste,energy,water

Merging of agendas,including jobs

Focus on the issue of  here and now’

Address the generic demand

Process based on input-output

Process based on output -input



Cleaner Production Versus Zero Emissions

Source;ZERI Foundation ,Geneva


Find out the full environmental impact of your products and services and how your business can reduce energy costs.

A lifecycle assessment (LCA) is a detailed approach to understanding all the carbon emissions associated with a product or service. It assesses the greenhouse gas impact from “cradle to grave” and identifies actions to reduce the impact at key stages along the lifecycle. This is achieved by compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and calculating the greenhouse gas emissions that result from each stage. Wherever possible Carbon Neutral applies the principles of the ISO14040 standard, which analyses the following five stages in a product’s life cycle:  



 next Create a a WIN-WIN Situation - A win-win situation is one in which all the participants can profit from it in one way or the other. For instance here the RBBiodiesel Producer and the Farmers can both earn profit and continue to operate in a successful market with the flexibility of feedstock( Agriculture Residues). Hence it  will lead to A WIN - WINSITUATION for all the participants in the industry Grown, Produced and Distributed Locally.  Nearly every country in the world depends on imports of various forms of fossil fuel energy, including oil, coal and natural gas. Without a steady supply of affordable energy a country’s economy grinds to a halt, with no fuel for transportation, energy to run power plants and factories or heat homes. RBBiodiesel can improve energy security wherever it is produced in several ways: Local Agricultural Residues  - The dependence on foreign oil supplies is reduced to a large extent because of the presence of feedstock and other sources that are used to produce RB Biodiesel. With careful planning,appropriate incentives ,funds and Sustainabledevelopment based idea i will  operate and develop my intervention maintaining Environmental Impact Assessment  rules  to ensure environmental sustainability aswellas eradicate of poverty.

Greetings,thanks and Best Regards.


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