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After surviving hours of instruction, course work and examinations, you've finally earned your college diploma. You're anxious to launch your marketing career. You have the skills and knowledge to land a great job and finally establish yourself as a bona fide professional. But before setting sights on a corner office or six-figure salary, be prepared to do a little "grunt work" first.
While passion and industry expertise will help you impress hiring managers, it takes time and a steady record of achievement to reach your potential. Your first post-grad position may involve a few mind-numbing tasks, but try not to let the boredom get the best of you.
Here are seven tips to help you make the most of entry-level marketing jobs:
1. Go beyond the call of duty. Demonstrate a strong work ethic by completing your assignments – no matter how tedious or tiring – on time and making sure they're error free. Offer to assist others with their workloads or take on those tasks no one else wants to do. As others discover your tenacity and talent, they'll likely hand over projects that carry greater weight and a higher thrill factor.
2. Show confidence, not cockiness. Employers' chief complaints regarding recent grads are that they expect too much too soon and presume they know as much – or even more – than seasoned employees. Understand that you will need to earn your stripes before being given greater responsibility. Doing an excellent job on every project you're assigned while keeping upbeat is the best way to impress your manager and win your colleagues' respect.
3. Observe with eagle eyes. Pay attention to the behaviors and accomplishments valued in the organization. Ask yourself what types of people seem most successful and identify what attributes they share. Consider identifying a star performer who can serve as a mentor and provide career advice. Also, note how the staff interacts with each other and how different tasks are handled. Discovering who the movers and shakers are and how decisions are made will help you make smart choices and communicate effectively.
4. Take the driver's seat. No matter how supportive or sympathetic a supervisor you have, it's not his or her obligation to advance your career. It's up to you to build your knowledge bank and acquire new skills. Volunteer for interesting projects and pursue professional development opportunities both within and outside the organization. Take classes that will help you perform your current duties better or prepare you for your next level of assignments.
5. Request regular feedback. Even if it's not part of the protocol, ask your supervisor for a three- and six-month performance evaluation. Identifying your next career steps and discussing strategies for improving your overall performance will prevent you from suffering a stagnant career. Take note of the feedback you receive and store any positive remarks in a file for future reference – this acclaim will come in handy when you seek a promotion or apply for a new job.
6. Explore internal job opportunities. Don't be afraid to follow a different career path than the one you initially identified. If you think you would be happier in another type of role, inquire about other openings in the organization. Remember that this is the perfect time to test the waters and discover where your true interests lie. Use the opportunity to discover your strengths and weaknesses, the kinds of projects you prefer, the types of people you enjoy working with and management styles under which you thrive.
7. Have fun. All work and no play could lead to burnout. Make sure to leave room in your schedule to socialize and get to know the people around you.
Entry-level marketing jobs may not be the most glamorous, but they play a key role in setting your career dreams and goals in motion. Approach them with an open mind and enthusiastic outlook, and you'll be moving up faster than you ever thought possible. Even if the experience doesn't pan out the way you hoped, you'll at least have a clearer sense of where you want to go next.