Good management, business plan and financing.
Good management will know how to slect and keep excellent employees, to monitor the market and be flexible to changes.
Good business plan is a realistic one, with few scenarios (best case, worst case), also achievable if you have a good management.
And continuous finacing according to the business plan.
Resources:you must have the resources to open the store, provide
the services, and begin the business.
The source of your uniqueness:It is the operations of your business that makes you
appear unique from other companies.
The main ingredient to growth and success:The business that can effectively develop and maintain their customer
relationships the best will over time have the best chance of survival.
Ingredient1 – Responsive Audience
The first and most important ingredient is a responsive audience.
In other words, your business idea should cater to a group of people that you can actually change. Your target audience should be one that will take action towards a specific goal.
Ingredient2 – Unique Selling Point
If you know anything at all about marketing or copywriting, then you’ve already heard of this ingredient.
A unique selling point, or USP, is something that makes you different from every other competitor in the market. Your USP is what your audience can’t or won’t get from anyone but you and your business.
Ingredient3 – Realistic Business Plan with Clearly Defined Goals
من قبل
Anis Fakherudddin , IT and Digital Transformation Manager , THARWAH
Your resources ,source of your uniqueness and main ingredient to growth and success ; simply these affect your business because no one can work with bad or weak resources as an example and you can check the rest ..