من قبل
Omar AL-Sawadi , Senior Account Executive , ALKHALEEJ TRAINING & EDUCATION
نعم. فبطبيعتنا البشرية قرار صعب اتخاذه والاصعب من وجهة نظري اعلامه بالخبر .. ولكن أيضا مهم للغاية وذلك لمى يضيف لمتخذ القرار من جرأة في اتخاذ القرار وأيضا ً قوة شخصية وتحمل عند إبلاغه القرار المبني بالتأكيد على نقاط ضعف أو عدم إستفادة من الموظف مما يؤدي لعدم إستفادة العمل من تواجده.
Maybe i was lucky because i never forced my self to fire someone that did not deserve it....so my answer is that i nevet felt guilty or ugly for firing someone...
نعم ولقد كنت في موقف أن أخسر العمل أنا وكادري أو أن أخسر هذا الشخص الذي يهمه النساء فقط في العنل فقررت أن أحمي نفسي وعملي وكادري ...لم أشعر بشيء شيء منه أو من موقفي ، ولكنني شعرت بشعور غير جيد لأنه تسبب لنفسه بخسارة عمله
لا لأني لم أكن أعمل كمدير من قبل (حديثة التخرج) ولكن بحال وجود موظف مسيء للشركة ولم يصلح حاله وكان تأثيره سلبي يجب اتخاذ هذا الاجراء للأسف لأنه يصب في مصلحة الشركة
no because I didn't work as a manger before but when it comes to the organization versus individual who has created a harmful situation I will protect the organization
Hi - Yes, but i would always llike to give someone few days notice so that he/she can start job hunting, there are different reasons to fire an employee, i don't think if an individual is responsible for everything that goes worng, most of the organisations have hierarchy where people have respective bosses, i would prefer not to fire but to give him chance to improve if he still doesn't than certain decisions have to be taken......for the benefit of the company....
Why do things go worng, if there are heads to look after to finalise the matter....it happens when people don't take interest in the responsibilities....assigned to them and blame subordinates and fire them hiding their own mistakes...
Yes, for the non productive staff...they may have other interest and skills which is not in line with their current job. It's a mixed emotion, sometimes its relief because you let go of your non productive staff, on the other note you feel like you are not effective leader or manager to him/her.. but it will depend on the turn over of employees, regular firing means.. the manager should be fired first as he/she is not effective to work and cannot be asset to the company.