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Video as a tool for sharing information is highly valued. It is much more engaging and attention grabbing than text and images.
Also they are easy to share which is another reason they are valuable.
One technical benefit is that the time spent by the visitor watching a video is more than regular blog post which has text and images only. This helps the blog earn priceless benefit in search engine results.
If it is possible, go for video as it is a powerful way to earn lots of good points for a blog
I don't think that there is any comparison between them , simply because each type is totally different than the other , but they can preform together if we want some sort of creativity blogging .
Video blog supports your blog, it helps the audience in understanding your message.
They say, "A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a million."
Internet surfers are constantly being bombarded with so much content that what was my span of attention for reading an article is far more than that of my twelve year old cousin. i.e. its shrinking with every generation, and video marketing, viral videos and goofy6 sec Vines fill that void.
More than you think. Youtubers and Instagrammers make a lot of money doing videos they love.