ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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Can effective negotiation and communication skills be acquired by training or is it something that can be associated to a person’s personality?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Lamya Adam , Front Desk Team Leader , Mariott
تاريخ النشر: 2015/07/27
Marina Markhel
من قبل Marina Markhel , Business Development manager , H&D Group of companies

I believe more in personal skills, which should be developed by experience, self-education and professional education. 

Nancy Refai
من قبل Nancy Refai , Health, safety and environmental management Trainer and consultant , Freelancer

Having personal confidence and good negotiation skills is something good. However, without proper communication training even the most confident negotiators can fall. Nothing works without building knowledge and experience that can polish your skills and let you shine in the work environment 

Majid Alotabey
من قبل Majid Alotabey , Vice President for Operations , Ink Products Company Ltd.

The effective negotiation and communication never has obtained or acquired by training.  In fact, it is a personal inherited skill; however, training can give some technic that will assist and abolish negotiation and communication skill.

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

According to my opinion these are skills directly linked to somenone's personality and talent. But, this talent gets improved every single day by training and experience.

Martha Kambili
من قبل Martha Kambili , Marketing & Customer Experience Consultant , Independent

Effective negotiation and communication skills can be acquired by training. What should be there, as a prerequisite, is the attitude. Hire attitude, train skills.

Tauseef Sarwar
من قبل Tauseef Sarwar , Senior Manager Business development & Marketing. , Kelmac Group Ireland

Negotiation and Communication Skills are Art more you practice more you improve, Like cooking, more you cook better cook you are. of course soft skill courses help from time to time to refresh your skills. 

Katie Banks
من قبل Katie Banks , ERP Co-ordinator & Quality Admin , Airolink Building Contracting LLC

I think it can be both, some people view the world differently than other people. If you are in a profession that would benefit from you doing more training to show different aspects of negotiation and communication skills then definitely go for it, everyone will gain something from the training. 

Dr. Engineer / Mohanad AL-Hossieny
من قبل Dr. Engineer / Mohanad AL-Hossieny , Consultant Engineer – Planning – Technical Support – Consumer Affairs Sector , Ministry of Electricity and Water (M.E.W.)

You question needs a lot of work to be answered as it is an important question.

I shall try to give a brief about what you might need to know.

Starting with Communication: communication is a process that is based on (Sender – Communication channels – Receiver – and its Feedback) any failure during this process will fail the purpose of the required information to be transmitted successfully and effectively to achieve its purpose.

Both sender and receiver must have a common channel that they can understand each other, therefore as people are different the information required to be transmitted is the key to be evaluated.

Depending on the situation, time, place (environment), and all related aspects as the type of information (general, specific, or any other combinations) which include the background of the people, culture, nature, age group, ethnicity, …etc.;

same the communication is not only spoken it can be by Body Language (smile, movement, the way of dressing, … etc.).

Therefore, communicating effectively depends on a lot of factors that it should be addressed; it will be learned during time and studying because it depends on science and passed knowledge to the person that would try it in his/her way.

Same to address, for the unspoken language the way people want to frame themselves, in such the way they organize themselves (at work at office or at their normal life), it is considered a way of communication that should be considered.

Even for handling a conversation the person should learn about the open and closed questions as it would determine the how the conversation is handled.

Therefore, for the negotiation it depends as minimum on the communication and the conversation which is learned by time and shall be studied to be effective.

Considering two persons want to negotiate to have as an example a Loan from someone that is able to finance a project and considering both of them are asking for the same amount of money and for the same project, you might find that one is a convincing person and succeed to have the person agreement to finance the project, and the other one was not and fails to have the loan.

As this simple example (convincing depends on a lot that is not ready to anyone by nature), even if that person was a fraud he should have learned it in a way or another to do so and to manage the situation depending on the receiver all related mentioned factors to run an effective successful communication and conversation to win.

As I can see that you are a front desk team leader, you can consider a two fresh employees that you hired one has related experience in sales and the other is a clerk that used to operate a machine in a factory, which of them would need more training in order not to fail a conversation and communicate effectively with a customer that is loyal to your organization?

Knowing that, we were created differently to succeed you would find that some people has it as embedded code (inherited) to learn it and act upon fast and some might fail but they succeed in something else; and if the one that has it inherited was not exposed to the criteria to make him/her succeed he/she most probably would fail more than the other one.

Hope that this satisfy part of your query and good luck.

Priscilla Anbanandan
من قبل Priscilla Anbanandan , PMP® - IT Project Manager , IBM India Pvt. Ltd


Training can only give insights on where and how to start with a "Push strategy" which may or may not be successful always.

But it is up to the individual to pull himself with a "pull strategy" in the direction shown thereby DISCOVERING more new ways of LEARNING.


Mastery, (the end result) is purely in the hands of the individual and not otherwise.



Bedoui Mohamed Ali
من قبل Bedoui Mohamed Ali , département chef/vidéo Editor , NG-Multimédia

by experience and applying the profession of buying and salling or by making freinds everywhere and be in groups and negotiating in différent  subjects you will be abel to get good skills and strong ability in communication it dosnt come from nothing....just giving your self the chance to deffénd  your ideas and thaugts in front of the ppl will give you the chance to have strong abilitys in communication :)

Hussain Aleid
من قبل Hussain Aleid , Organizational Development Specialist , Saudi Readymix Concrete Co.

It can be both ways. Some people experience negotiation and communication at young age due to the work environment that they were in.   Negotiation and communication could also be attained by training and exposing those trainees to a range of different jobs to reach the required results .

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