من قبل
Eva Suan , Liaison Officer,Admin & Accounting , Cebu Trip Tours
I'm agreed with Farrukh Khan, I search jobs on Bayt.com , & it's mentioned specific Age & particular Nationalities who can apply so it's practically exists every where
من قبل
Nighat Khan , Customer Relation Manager , Bank of America
Agreed with Eva Suan & Farrukh Khan. What Eva mentioned it's a soft legal way of discrimination . Here is US all of it for Black & Spanish so other communities are relatively safe . U may prevent on some level but over all let me borrowed Mr Khan's words ( it’s not possible to be true. There is no particular line of action to overcome it.)
apply to companies that practice Equal Opportunity Employment Clause, its a matter of how you persuade the company that you are capable to handle the job regardless of your gender or age.
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Husain M. , Sr. Supervisor , Alghanim Industries
I believe it all depends on kind of Job that you apply for ...!!! In few job Male shall be preferred more , where field work is more intense ....
If few areas female shall be prepared more .
However this days there is no descrimination made based on gender , as far white collar are concerned ......may be at blue collar level there may be few...eg Warehouse .
مرحبا اخي ماهر بجد وجودك يسعدني... اعتقد ان الافضلية للاجدر سواءً رجل أو امراءه المهم ان يكون الأكفأ اما من ناحية السن فأن كان في سن متقدم ويغلب عليه الخبرة بتقدير امتياز وسيكون مفيداً كثراً في وقت اقصر وان كانت الوظيفة لا تتطلب الخبرة وبحاجة لشخص يستمر فيها لفترة زمنية طويلة فصاحب السن الاصغر هو الافضل.