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Ideally, the process of creativity - the very foundation of creative writing - should be spontaneous, non-directed, voluntary and "from within oneself." But the sad fact of life is that there is hardly any difference between a solicited writing from within and a solicited writing on purpose. Commercialism has struck at the very core of creativity and it is almost impossible to remain a great creative writer - and not sell! Because if you don't succeed in selling your writing, you would neither be termed creative nor successful. So the dictum - anything that is creative.sells - is mostly applicable!
Solicited writing is known as business writing and is used to give proposals to other companies. But when it come to creative writing, its totally different. Business writing needs some technicality. On the other hand web writing and blogging also need some technicality but more importantly creativity is more preferred.
solicited writing can actually be categorised under creative writing becase of one main reason ie. as solicited writing is business writing in order to let things happen/apporve/achieved what the business demand. So at the end we used our creativity to let it happen in reallity.
Actually solicited writing also needs someone who is creative put together something readable so I agree it can be categorised together
Writing is a form of creativity and our life must be something of art and creativity...
Solicited Writing get us to confined into a theme which is needed to be written for a purpose, but the matter differed what is solicited, if it is solicited as proposal, for example in the NGOs sector some donors solicit a proposal on a particular theme, in this case , things are categorized as static and rooms for creativity is not spaced there. But if it is solicited for some other themes then there are rooms to be creative , and to express oneself differently than a conventional writing.
the process of creativity - the very foundation of creative writing - should be spontaneous, non-directed, voluntary and "from within oneself." But the sad fact of life is that there is hardly any difference between a solicited writing from within
Yes, the process of creativity is very foundation of creative writing - should be spontaneous, non-directed, voluntary and "from within oneself." Even if she does not aspire to knowledge
as per my view, solicited writing should be kept separate beacuse it is uses in business terms. And not all business run on creativity.
Yes, we have become too accustomed to the idea that if we are told to something it is then not our own thoughts ideas or actions. If you are the one doing it then it belongs to you. This is one way of also making one responsible for the work they create without being able to point fingers if things dont work ut. Certainly this is also always contextual but ultimately when you put pen to paper you are the writer, its your creative work.
No. It is a part of Technical Writing. Creative writing can be such as stories.