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How do you collaborate with other company departments in your role as manager and why?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company
تاريخ النشر: 2015/08/04
Usama Abushaqra
من قبل Usama Abushaqra , Project Director , Almulla Engineering

you need to establish positive approach with functional departments  understand how they work and work with them for your project establish team work with them show them how important is to satisfy your project requirements on time

Yaqoub Alomar
من قبل Yaqoub Alomar , Civil Engineer , Al-Zubeir municipality

Agree with my colleagues


Gayasuddin Mohammed
من قبل Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

Agree with the experts opinion.

Ismael Hamad
من قبل Ismael Hamad , Trainer , ANTONOIL DMCC , Lukoil project, WQ2

if you want to be able to work effectively with people in other disciplines and help ensure your product team’s success, you should make a concerted effort to gain sufficient understanding of your team members’ various roles and responsibilities, so you can communicate with them in their own language and respond to their needs. Reading about the other disciplines that are represented on your product team is a great way to learn about those roles and gives you the background you’ll need to understand what you experience on the job. Of course, you’ll learn the most by simply observing how your coworkers accomplish their work and engaging them in conversation about their work. People love to talk about what they do, so encourage your peers in other disciplines to share their work experiences with you, and listen with an open mind.

khaled elkholy
من قبل khaled elkholy , HR MANAGER , misk for import & export

Small Businessby Demand Media Managing Employees > Teamwork5 Steps to Cross Organizational Collaboration and Teamwork by Ian Linton, Demand Media Google Collaboration and teamwork make an important contribution to the success of business initiatives like quality improvement, product development or customer service. To create effective teamwork across your organization, you need to break down any departmental barriers to collaboration so that you can draw on the best people. You need to set clear objectives and define working relationships so that members can work as a cohesive team, and you must provide tools that support efficient collaboration. Ads by Google Create awesome org charts Free online app. Check out unique launch offerwww.organimi.com Overcome Barriers One of the major barriers to effective collaboration is the conflicting needs and priorities of the team and the individual departments in your company. Departmental managers have their own targets to meet and may be reluctant to release key staff for external projects. You need to convince departmental heads of the importance and benefits of the team project and persuade them to cooperate. Recruit Members Cross-functional teams bring together people with the skills and experience to deal with all aspects of a project. To identify the right people, ask your human resources department to maintain an up-to-date skills profile. The profile should include personal skills, work experience, important achievements and involvement in other team projects. When recruiting members for the team, let them know the likely timescale for the project so that they can balance team responsibilities with their other work commitments. Related Reading: Activities That Practice Teamwork Skills Agree Direction Project teams need a clear sense of direction to turn members into a team, rather than a group of individuals. You can encourage shared ownership by asking team members to agree the key objectives and define the benefits to the organization. Securing shared agreement is better than trying to impose objectives on the team and ensures commitment to success. Clarify Responsibilities A balanced team includes all the skills your team needs to complete its work at different stages of the project. Projects like new product development will require different contributions at each stage. "Pharma Voice" described the development process for a new pharmaceutical product. The project team included representatives from clinical research, pharmacology, legal marketing and manufacturing. In large teams like that, it is important for each member to understand their role and responsibility at each stage. Support Collaboration Your team will work more effectively if it has tools to support easy collaboration. Using email and instant messaging simplifies communication between members and makes it easy to share documents, reports, project updates and other essential information. A secure project website provides a useful resource for storing information on work in progress and project information. Accessing information from a single source helps to eliminate the risk of duplication or working on out-of-date information.

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