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How can you compensate for the loss in productivity due to staff absenteeism?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nadjib RABAHI , Freelancer , My own account
تاريخ النشر: 2015/10/20
Nasir Hussain
من قبل Nasir Hussain , Sales And Marketing Manager , Pakistan Pharmaceutical Products Pvt. Ltd.

Absenteeism is an employee's intentional or habitual absence from work. While employers expect workers to miss a certain number of workdays each year, excessive absences can equate to decreased productivity and can have a major effect on company finances, morale and other factors.


Absenteeism is an especially difficult problem to tackle, because there are both legitimate and poor excuses for missing work - and it can be challenging for employers to effectively monitor, control and reduce absenteeism. Unless a company requires a written excuse from a doctor, for example, it can be difficult to determine if an employee is actually sick when missing work.



MR. Umair Usman Ghani & MR. IMRAN ALI MOHAMMED.


Mr. Imran ali has given you an immediate and short term relief of the problem and Mr. Umair has given a long term solution that can reduce the impact of decreased productivity due to employees absenteeism.




Umair Usman
من قبل Umair Usman , Human Resource Supervisor , Médecins Sans Frontières

To handle absenteeism problem you have to take measures to resolve this issues.

1) create policies

2) Communicate to all

3) start taking problem resolve

4) issues warning

5) monitor effects

khaled elkholy
من قبل khaled elkholy , HR MANAGER , misk for import & export

Agree with all experts ..........

من قبل IMRAN ALI MOHAMMED , Accounts Officer , M/s. Euro Glazing Ltd

Staff absenteeism are part and parcel of the business. its occurences are common and legitimate. So, businessess need to be prepared well in advance to face this kind of situations. The loss in productivity due to this can be compensated in the following ways.


1. Give over-time to other employees to finish the job.

2.. Engaging temporary workers from employment agencies to cover the absentee employee.

3. Deployment employees from other department if it is feasible.

4. Manager or supervisor can cover the absentee employee also. 

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answer been added by MR  IMRAN ALI MOHAMMED..............Thanks.

Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

A workforce that is present and healthy accomplishes more.  According to an article in The Leading Edge, dissatisfied workers crave an escape from their offices, even if those escapes are only temporary. Sick days cost the organization money and production, as well as increased health and insurance costs.  When employees feel dissatisfied, are not as invested in the work they produce or discontented with managers, the level of absenteeism increases, leading to less productivity.  Unscheduled employee absenteeism costs an average of9% of payroll. However, absenteeism does not necessarily mean that employees hate their jobs.  It can also stem from not feeling empowered or well-trained to perform.


Low morale can in fact be controlled.  Managers’ possess the vision and understanding of their employees’ potential and their core work processes. They must ensure employees are being effectively utilized through job enrichment.  It includes understanding employees’ abilities and ensuring jobs provide a challenge to utilize their full capacity, recognizing achievement and giving employees an opportunity to grow and learn new things.


Managers also need to create a culture of trust as they can shape and influence, through role modeling, the way resources are allocated, how employees are rewarded, and the criteria used for recruitment, promotions, and terminations.  A climate of trust exists in organizations when managers do what they say they are going to do and are consistent in their actions.  Managers can earn trust and improve employee morale by being accessible, authentic and fostering openness.


Creating positive morale is accomplished through a diversified approach to relationship building, recognition and compensation.  Management that implements the innovations and ideas of employees reinforces their sense of value.  Mini-meetings or morning huddles will highlight the tasks to be accomplished while recognizing previous week’s successes.  This can also be accomplished by increasing the frequency of interaction among team members, providing opportunities to discuss group goals, and by developing a healthy sense of competition against other teams.


The time, energy and resources exerted to attract the best talent are also required after the hiring process is completed.  If an employee’s behaviour is truly understood, then their success on the job will be more accurately predicted.  Research has concluded that out of, people,% of their success was due to technical training, intelligence and skills while% was due to personality factors and the ability to deal with people successfully.


To help prevent morale issues, managers need to spend time communicating their vision to ensure it is understood.  Effective managers communicate widely and allow their messages to be discussed in person or at staff meetings.  By providing an open forum or allowing one-on-one time, employees can express concerns and feelings and also give input on business developments; creating collaborating and supportive workforces.  According to the Supervisory and Management Training Institute, managers and employees need to feel a sense of attachment to their work, because both then will care about the quality of the output.


In any organization, people are the most important resource.  They are the engine that drives productivity and results and therefore their sense of morale and motivation will impact the company’s success.  To ensure commitment and increased morale in economic uncertainty, managers need to energize their employees by acting enthusiastically and optimistically about the future.  This heightens levels of motivation and helps employees recognize the importance of their work while encouraging a goal oriented, ambitious, and determined working style.  Those companies that remain vigilant to the signs of low morale and focus on improving it can avert the inevitable impact.  When an environment of value and acceptance is generated, it creates a win-win situation for the company and its employees.

Mohammed Asim Nehal
من قبل Mohammed Asim Nehal , M Asim Nehal & Co , Chartered Accountants

Ask them to complete it when they return to work.

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