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Why Employee Engagement is important?

The tradition of working hard with commitment, high level of integrity & values has taken a new dimension & transformed in to a new name today as "Employee Engagement".

Why Employee Engagement is important?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohammad Fazil Sharif- MBA HR , Process Developer , GE Capital
تاريخ النشر: 2015/10/30
Ahmed Saeed
من قبل Ahmed Saeed , sales , uniway

Better engagement means better productivity. Corporations whose employees are engaged perform better than companies whose employees are not by over 200%. When employees are engaged at work, they feel a connection with the company. They believe that the work they're doing is important and therefore work harder.

من قبل , Administrative Supervisor , Wadi Jana Company

The involvement of the employees in presenting their opinions and participation in the meetings and their participation in setting goals inspires them in their importance and gives them the impression that the senior management appreciates their ideas and proposals. Their participation in setting the goals is of great importance because it gives them great motivation to achieve these goals.

Dhakshana Kulasekere
من قبل Dhakshana Kulasekere , Chief Financial Officer CFO , Braga Malasia Inc.

This makes the employee feels needed appreciated and makes him feel part of something much much bigger than the indivudal.

من قبل BICHISMITA SHASANI , Process Associate Grade-2 Officer , The Royal Bank of Scotland

Customers are considered as the king of the company. and behind managing the king of the company employees play a vital role. Employee Engagement enhances the creativities of employees thus helps to bring innovativeness to the company operations. employees feel motivated and they easily relate themselves to the objective of the company thus are able to give much more than their job profile. Productivity and profitability increases, on the other hand, it helps in reducing the attrition rate. this is why Employee Engagement is important.

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

For PR enhancement and engagement of users of the product.

Azem Bajrami
من قبل Azem Bajrami , Asset Manager , Energy Company of Kosovo

You can work hard and without results, but it is important to work well and without warning.

Ebenezer Tei
من قبل Ebenezer Tei , Supplier Performance Advisor , Tullow Ghana Limited

It helps to create confidence, transparancy and turst within the business, taking off the grape vine syndrome.

Sai Srikanth Kanchinadham
من قبل Sai Srikanth Kanchinadham , Assistant Manager HR , SyMetric


Employee Engagement is a critical measure of person-organization alignment. Importance:


1. Attrition Rate reduces

2. Higher Productivity

3. Lower Costs

4. Innovation


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