أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
I think that there are some channels and media who may amplify the increasing problem of inadvertently or otherwise, as I think it is possible to help increase the war if they are present or possible contribute to shut off.Media is a double edged sword ....
Media plays vital role in the society. It create good or bad environment by their vast approach to all. Media is a source that spread knowledge with analytical research on both positive and negative aspect of concern, that developed the minds of the people. At all it has a great role in each condition to start wars or end them too. It is good if Media use positive resource because it will help nation in many areas. It is my though of mind which would be differ with other.
Please raise my file because I contented himself with so much kinder
No never media cannot start wars or end them
yes can media alone start wars or end them of cours
Yess, media is the only problem
it could start, but it wont end it
Yes it can do both starting or ending.
Yes, media can start a wars but cannot end them because in today's world all media is running to increase the TRP of channels rather than showing the truth. Clearly what people see more often they start believing it as a truth. Wrong information can start wars and once it begin i dont think it can be control easily without any casualties.
yes of course media can start and end the war