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How can you make oxidation to decrease iron and Mnlevel from water during treatment?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل ahmed abohashem , Quality control manager , Hattan water factory
تاريخ النشر: 2013/09/11
Muhammad Saad Khan
من قبل Muhammad Saad Khan , Postdoctoral Research Associate , Texas A&M University

Many industrial manufacturing processes produce wastewaters containing heavy metals.  Industries include printed circuit board manufacturing, metal finishing, automotive, aerospace, semiconductor manufacturing, electroplated metal parts/washing, textile dyes and steel, to name a few.  As a result of improper treatment prior to discharge, many dissolved metals have been found in harmful concentrations in groundwaters which are destined for potable drinking water.  In small quantities, certain heavy metals are nutritionally essential for a healthy life, but large amounts of any of them may cause acute or chronic toxicity (poisoning).The metals most often linked to human poisoning have links to learning disabilities; cancers and death are typically caused by copper, nickel, cadmium, chrome, arsenic, lead and mercury.  Many of these metals are required by humans in trace amounts, but in larger, persistent dosages, these heavy metals become toxic when they are not metabolized by the body and accumulate in the soft tissues. Heavy metal toxicity can result in damaged or reduced mental and central nervous function, lower energy levels, and damage to blood composition, lungs, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs. The most commonly encountered toxic heavy metals include:

  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Iron
  • Aluminum  

Other heavy metals of concern include:

  • Antimony
  • Chromium/chrome
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Nickel
  • Uranium
  • Vanadium
  • Zinc

In addition to concerns for human health and the environment, an increased desire to reuse and/or recycle industrial wastewaters also requires that metals removal occur in order to meet influent water quality requirement needed by the manufacturing process and equipment.

Ion exchange is a proven technology with effective treatment results for the removal of dissolved metals.  Siemens Water Technologies offers permanent, hard-piped ion exchange treatment systems containing contaminant-specific treatment resins, as well as removable systems.  Our service ion exchange approach integrates equipment and service option combinations, thereby minimizing a plant’s capital investment and reduces overall space requirements.  The system components are selected based upon available manpower, space limitations, access limitation and the specific water quality required.  Service ion exchange provides the ultimate flexibility to add or remove treatment capacity as your business grows or compliance limits change.


Microfiltration technology also offers a cost effective and sustainable solution for removal of heavy metals in wastewater and for water reuse applications.  The membrane provides for an absolute barrier to the passage of solids and therefore is capable of removing metals (and other contaminants) to their solubility limits.

Mohamed Abdrabo Ibraheem Fadol
من قبل Mohamed Abdrabo Ibraheem Fadol , ACADEMIC RESEARCHER , KING SAUD UNIVERSITY

Iron and manganese have secondary MCLs (SMCLs) of0.3 and0.05 mg/L, respectively.These SMCLs have been considered as safe limits to avoid the staining of plumbing fixturesand laundry, but experience shows that lower levels are desired to avoid difficulties.Targets of <0.1 mg/L iron and <0.02 mg/L manganese should be normal water.quality goals.Dissolved iron and manganese are normally in the reduced state (Fe II and Mn II) andcan be removed by oxidizing to Fe III and Mn IV, where they will precipitate as Fe(OH)3and Mn(OH)2. Precipitates are subsequently removed in sedimentation and/or filtrationsteps. Several oxidants are available for this process, namely, chlorine, chlorine dioxide,ozone, and potassium permanganate. They are also removed through conventional limesoftening treatment.

Eldaw Ibrahim Mustafa Naseeh
من قبل Eldaw Ibrahim Mustafa Naseeh , مديرقسم جودة وخدمات المياه , شركة كهرباء سدمروي المحدودة

by make airation of the water to be treated i think this best way without chemical treatment

محمد زهير محمد عرجان
من قبل محمد زهير محمد عرجان , مسؤول قسم الادوات الكهربائية والمنزلية , المخازن الامريكية التجارية

By the addition of chemicals 

cloronation . coagulant . polyelectrolite . untiscale . sodium meta by sulfate . tri sodum phospate . h2so4) sulfuric asid) . soda . soda ash . lim0)(

And pass water through sand filters and water treatment united and disarm the positive and negative salt

multi grade filter

strong acid cation


strong base anion

weak base anion

mixed bed



Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim Mohamed
من قبل Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim Mohamed , فورمان تشغيل وصيانه محطات تحليه , الريف بروجيكت

بأضافة الكلور في Rewater tank وبذلك يتم تحويل الحديد الي حديدوز ويذوب في الماء بعد ذلك ويتم إختزال الكلور بعد ذلك بإضافة مادة الSBS g لتحويل الكلور من مادة نشطه الي مادة خامله.

zahirhussain gulamdastageer
من قبل zahirhussain gulamdastageer , General Manager (GM) , CETP, TN, India

1.The water water must first be chlorinated from1 to3 ppm.

2. The chlorinated water must be filtered through the green sand OR BIRM filter to remove iron and manganese.

mohamed hamed
من قبل mohamed hamed , Lead Chemist , ELSEWEDY Electric PSP.

السلام عليكم        يمكن ازالة ملح الحديد بالاكسدة عن طريق مادة مؤكسده قوية مثل        برمنجانات البوتاسيوم وذلك حتى يتم تحويل ملح الحديد من الصورة        الذائبه الى صوره غير ذائبه يمكن ترسيبها والافضل من ذلك استخدام        الاكسدة بالهواء (الاكسجين ) باستخدام ضواغط الهواء ثم بعدها عملية        الفلترة بالفلاتر الرمليه الخاصة او غيرها من الفلاتر


Mohamed zakaria Elhanafy
من قبل Mohamed zakaria Elhanafy , lab chemist and Technical support chemist , Ridgewood for Desalination

green sand filter or pirm filter will give you the best result without using any chemical

if any other data you need it, you can call me

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة