أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
RGB: red, green and blue is an additive color space. If you mix the three base colors (red, green and blue) you get white. That is the model monitors use, if the red light and the green light and the blue light is mixed, it becomes white.
CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow and black are subtractive. If you mix all, you get black.That model is used by printers. If on a dot are printed all three base colors, it gets darker. But it is somewhat hard to mix a good black, thats why often Black is added to the color mix (thats the K in CMYK).
Simply if you are designing for the screen go for RGB, if you're going to print your design use CMYK.
More information can be found in Wikipedia.
RGB (red-green-blue) CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-highlight mask) RGB is the file that type that is used to make photographic prints and ink-jet prints (as well as other things like images for use on websites) .
CYMK files are the digital version of color separations made when a photo is published in a magazine or used on anything printed by a printing press.
.le mode RGB c'est un modèle colorimétrique utilisée pour l'affichage de l'image sur écran
. le mode CMYN c'est un modèle colorimétrique utilisée pour l'impression de l'image