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What is the origin of the phrase "thinking outside of the box"?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense
تاريخ النشر: 2016/01/28
Mansi Gandhi
من قبل Mansi Gandhi , Sr Software Engineer , General Electric

The phrase originated from the nine-dot-puzzle which John Adair claims to have introduced in. The job is to connect all of the nine dots placed as

o    o    o

o    o    o

o    o    o

using only4 straight lines without lifting your hand off the paper, crossing each dot only once. The only way to do it is to extend at least one of the lines beyond the perimeter of the "box”. This phrase is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. 

Gayasuddin Mohammed
من قبل Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

spontaneous thinking in giving the solution which is not in hand or planned for any unexpected or unplanned activities or issues cropped. Thanks.

Duncan Robertson
من قبل Duncan Robertson , Strategy Consultant , Duncan Robertson Consultancy

It emerged in the lates / earlys in the USA in management circles.  Various sources claim or attribute invention of the phrase to different people, but it seems to have been popularised by the Disney company.

The "box" is often associated with the famous nine dot puzzle.  Without lifting the pencil from the paper, draw four straighxt lines that go through the centres of all the x's:


   x  x  x

   x  x  x

   x  x  x




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