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What is the importance of quality in various food products?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل mohamad al sayed , Quality control , Chekka Sugar Refinery c.s.r
تاريخ النشر: 2013/09/17
Mohammed Ali Khan
من قبل Mohammed Ali Khan , Quality Assurance Technologist , Kuwaiti Danish Dairy company@KDD

analyzing the product plays a crucial role in verifying the product is safe or unsafe. before dispatching the product it should go for verification.

without the verification the product consumed by the public may cause dangerous diseases. to be safe it is very necessary.


Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah Awad
من قبل Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah Awad , مدير المصنع-رئيس قسم المختبر ورقابة الجودة/ممثل الادارة للجودة(مدير تاكيد الجودة) , الشركة العالمية الحديثة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية.

ان الجودة اصبحت في هذا العصر من اهم الامور التي ينظر اليها المستهلك وخصوصا ان الاسواق اصبحت مليئة منتجات ذات جودة منخفصة فلذلك بدأ المنتجون بالهتمام بالجودة لتتلبة رغبات المستهلكين ولاضافة مميزات تنافسية لمنتجاتهم تمكنهم من زيادة ثقة المستهلك من ناحية وفح اسواق جديدة من ناحية اخرى وقد بدا الاهتمام بشهادات الجةدة وعلامات المطابقة يتسارع في السنوات العشر الماضية وخصوصا انها اصبحت متطلبات لاسواق ضخمة ومهمة مثل السوق الاوروبية المشتركة.

Ammar Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
من قبل Ammar Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi , KUKU DAIRY AGRICULTURAL SCHEME GENERAL MANAGER , Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Wealth and Irrigation


1. "We are what we eat" is an old proverb. Our nutritional status, health, physical and mental faculties depend on the food we eat and how we eat it. Access to good quality food has been man's main endeavour from the earliest days of human existence. Safety of food is a basic requirement of food quality. "Food safety" implies absence or acceptable and safe levels of contaminants, adulterants, naturally occurring toxins or any other substance that may make food injurious to health on an acute or chronic basis. Food quality can be considered as a complex characteristic of food that determines its value or acceptability to consumers. Besides safety, quality attributes include: nutritional value; organoleptic properties such as appearance, colour, texture, taste; and functional properties.

2. Food systems in developing countries are not always as well organised and developed as in the industrialised world. Moreover, problems of growing population, urbanisation, lack of resources to deal with pre- and post- harvest losses in food, and problems of environmental and food hygiene mean that food systems in developing countries continue to be stressed, adversely affecting quality and safety of food supplies. People in developing countries are therefore exposed to a wide range of potential food quality and safety risks. This paper discusses the special problems of food quality and safety in developing countries as well as their impact on food security and presents ways and means of dealing with these problems.

جمانة حكمة سلمان الخالصي
من قبل جمانة حكمة سلمان الخالصي , تدريسي في جامعة , جامعة القادسية - العراق

One of the most important elements of the promotion of products of various food is quality and are reflected in the popularity of buying and seeking to develop and attract the customer and product search that disappeared for a simple market and does not accept customer alternative, even if it was at hand so let the quality of the product one of the most important elements to be provided in Item displayed on differentThe product, which tastes satisfy most tastes and all ages is the Mieks its

Nadia Ahmed Mohammed Saeed
من قبل Nadia Ahmed Mohammed Saeed , T/L. Credi t& Risk , Canar Telecommunication Co. LTD.

Food quality is the quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers. This includes external factors as appearance (size, shape, colour, gloss, and consistency), texture, and flavour; factors such as federal grade standards (e.g. of eggs) and internal (chemical, physical, microbial).


Food quality in the United States is enforced by the Food Safety Act1990. Members of the public complain to trading standards professionals, who submit complaint samples and also samples used to routinely monitor the food marketplace to public analysts. Public analysts carry out scientific analysis on the samples to determine whether the quality is of sufficient standard.


Food quality is an important food manufacturing requirement, because food consumers are susceptible to any form of contamination that may occur during the manufacturing process. Many consumers also rely on manufacturing and processing standards, particularly to know what ingredients are present, due to dietary, nutritional requirements (kosher, halal, vegetarian), or medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, or allergies).


Besides ingredient quality, there are also sanitation requirements. It is important to ensure that the food processing environment is as clean as possible in order to produce the safest possible food for the consumer. A recent example of poor sanitation recently has been the2006 North American E. coli outbreak involving spinach, an outbreak that is still under investigation after new information has come to light regarding the involvement of Cambodian nationals.


Food quality also deals with product traceability, e.g. of ingredient and packaging suppliers, should a recall of the product be required. It also deals with labeling issues to ensure there is correct ingredient and nutritional information.

Abdullah Ahmad
من قبل Abdullah Ahmad , اخصائي مختبرات طبية ومدير مختبر , مجمع طبي

Food quality is very important in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption and to enhance customer satisfaction.

Ahmad Khreasat
من قبل Ahmad Khreasat , Risk and Quality Officer , Royal Scientific Society - Policies & Risk Dept.

There is2 different terms here:

Food Quality and Food Safety

Food Quality: measures the grade of product and it doesn't mean its not safe, for example: measuring the calories in a certain type of food. or measuring the water content to determine the grade of honey.


Food safety: measures the contamination and spoilage of food. food safety determine the risk and effect of food in human health. for example microbiology testing or aflatoxine testing define if the food is safe for human consumption.


Food quality used sometimes as a measure of food safety, because the product grade can be defined by the food safety.