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Check for the error or warning tags, which gives the BEA error codes. Debugging can be done according to the error code. If no proper error codes are logged in the log.
By enabling deployment debugs, we can identify the exact deployment errors.
weblogic.debug.DebugDeploymentServiceInternal weblogic.debug.DebugDeploymentServiceStatusUpdates weblogic.debug.DebugDeploymentServiceTransport weblogic.debug.DebugDeploymentServiceTransportHttp
Check error log type based on this debug the issue,whether issue is with application, modules,or take thread or heap dumps.
There are various ways to debug and resolve the applications deployment issues:
1. You can enable the debugging in AdminServer's console to get more detail information in the log
2. You can check the error code like BEA ###### and look for the details
3. If the error is something like java class not found exceptions, the most likely root cause may be missing dll from path.
WebLogic Server by default maintains a server log, an HTTP access log, and a Java Transaction API (JTA) transaction log. You can also configure server to keep log of JDBC (Java database conectivity)
The server log records information about events such as the startup and shutdown of servers, the deployment of new applications, or the failure of one or more subsystems. The messages include information about the time and date of the event as well as the ID of the user who initiated the event.
You can view and sort these server log messages to detect problems, track down the source of a fault, and track system performance. You can also create client applications that listen for these messages and respond automatically. For example, you can create an application that listens for messages indicating a failed subsystem and sends email to a system administrator or just use simple text editor to view logs
Sample out put of log file contains an information like this<Aug,4:: PM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA> <Server started in RUNNING mode>In this example, the message attributes are: Timestamp, Severity, Subsystem, Message ID, and Message Text
In This case I need check for the Weblogic deployment error type, then check "Error" in log file & check the console to find out it can be Development or server issue then it needs to resolve the issue.
Check "Error" in logs and the BEA code for the error showing. Also check the console, what type of errors throwing?It can be Development issue or Server Issue
Enable "-verbose" tag in setDomainEnv.sh at JAVA_OPTIONS parameters.This will enable the debug mode
Carry out the following steps to change the log level for debugging:
1. Access the Administration Console by pointing your web browser to http://adminhost.domain.local:7001/console.
2. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
3. Expand the Environment tree on the left, and then click on the Servers link.4. Click on the My_Server01 Managed Server link and then click on the Logging tab.
5. Click on the Advanced link to open the advanced options.
6. Change the Minimum severity to log drop-down menu to Trace.
7. Change the Severity Level value for the Log file value to Trace.
8. Change the Severity Level for the Standard out value to Debug.
9. Type -1 in the stdout Stack Trace Depth field.
10. Click on the Save button.
11. Click on the Debug tab.
12. Click on the [+] sign in the weblogic scope.
Check logs for the Error type just to know from which module problem is arising and enable it in trace mode to get the additional information .
First I will check for the Weblogic deployment error type, then I will go to resolve that issue.