أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Put in your papers & find another job
it depends on company polices n schedules weather if a company policy is that it believe in democracy it should go to voting or brainstorming method is also very worth full here or else if its autocratic then it go through the terms and conditions of the company n take some corrective actiobn
Agree with our friend's views already answered. thanks.
I agree that it depends, on the policies of the company, I would first make a log of his actions, the shady practices he uses then I would talk to the manager with someone to use as a witness, if nothing changed I would talk to the group and go to the employee concerns program, of course that depends very much, on the situation, and policies of the company, unfortunately there will always be people out there who are not team orientated, and think that walking on others makes them look good
What happens:: Of course, problems would happen in different ways. If the Senior Managers did not show integrity to juniors then they will complaint to top management:
To rectify:: Final decision makers are the company top management, they have to rectify it either due to the staff complaints or top management will find out the feedback of the business and a Manager without integrity could not success in business, so the business will be on the verge of collapse. Surely the management will rectify it soon.