من قبل
Evans Otalor , Business Analyst / Facilitator , Marina Business School
Assuming the data you want to add is in A1 to A10 with A7 to A9 hidden. Just do a SUBTOTAL 9 and select range A1 to A10
=SUBTOTAL(9, A1:A10) This will add all values in A1 to A10 including the hidden values.
using SUBTOTAL(109, Range) will give you more exact results better than Subtotal (9, Range) please see this article and you will be happy
Just a small formula should cover this make a SUM for the Raw Ex. =SUM(A22:K22) and then do a plain add of the cell Ex. =SUM(A22:K22)+F12+F14+F15 , even if the cells are hidden the formula will calculate