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Would the three salespersons and the receptionist work for free? No. They would, like us all, expect something in return. You must have heard a common phrase: Give and Take. You always have to give things to people in return to what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange, but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simply is the monetary value you would give to your four employees in return of their services.
Gary Dessler in his book Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment." The phrase 'all forms of pay' in the definition does not include non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial compensations.
BENEFITS:Employees today are not willing to work only for the cash alone, they expect 'extra'. This extra is known as employee benefits. Also known as fringe benefits, Employee benefits are non-financial form of compensation offered in addition to cash salary to enrich workers’ lives.
What benefits would you offer to your employees at myWear? Off course, you would offer different benefits to the salespersons and the receptionist. Problem will arise when you begin to decide what benefit to give to whom and on which basis? Employee benefits are not performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless of their performances. Employee benefits as a whole have no direct affect on employee performance, however, inadequate benefits do contribute to low satisfaction level and increase absenteeism and turnover in employees (DeCenzo and Robbins; 2007). So you would have to carefully design your benefit package. Your package may include a cell phone to each worker, taking them to a training workshop or seminar, giving them a day or two off every month and so on. While deciding on the benefits package, do consider the associated costs.
This is a good question ......................
Compensation:Compensation is payment to an employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job. The most common forms of compensation are wages, salaries and tips.
Benefits:Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job. Some benefits, such as unemployment and worker's compensation, are federally required. (Worker's compensation is really a worker's right, rather than a benefit.)
Compensation is payment (in the form of wage or salary) to an employee in return for their contribution for doing their job.
Benefits are in form of value, other than cash payment that is provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization. Employee benefits typically refers to life insurance, disability insurance, paid leave, maternity leave, contribution to retirement plan etc.
Compensation is the payment for he services of an employee like salary , Benefit is the reward for their contributions to the company like leave money indemnity etc...
Compensation is a sort of relief which is paid in cash however benefits may be paid in cash or otherwise. Compensation example is like Pay and allowances while example of benefits are like employee is being provided health benefits, house hiring benefits, communication facilities, transport facilities.
i fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS..................Thanks.