ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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What is your plan to improve and develop yourself and your skills in your work?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Hamada Sarhan , Wood Furniture Production Manager , bedquarter factory
تاريخ النشر: 2016/03/09
Rami Assaf
من قبل Rami Assaf , loading and Storage Operations Supervisor , Arab Potash Company

Thanksyou first

I think

1. That depends on the person himself does not depend on others.

2. That a person is confident in his abilities and positive thoughts.

3. Give the person the scientific value of his testimony.

4. Develop self through practical courses or upgrading to a higher degree.

5. The person learns from his mistakes in his work and that the correct them and accept the criticism aimed at the interests of the person.

6. If you work in a team. This should be a cooperative team to achieve the desired goals.

7. Follow-up to all that is new and related in the main specialization for your business.

8. Learn from the successful experiences of others.


Sidrah Nadeem
من قبل Sidrah Nadeem , Global Marketing Manager , Hill & Knowlton

I recently finished my MBA and besides the traditional electives opted for one which helped  me make  a PDP- a personal development plan.


It's a simple tool to help you set realistic goals for yourself and figure out way to reaching them in a given time. Works wonders and I'd suggest everyone to try it out! 

Bassam AL - Mujamami
من قبل Bassam AL - Mujamami , مدير الموارد البشرية والشئون الإدارية , Bin Mariee Group

I haven't any specific plan to improve and develop myself and my skills in my work , just I try learn a new thing every day .

Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India


1. Start by Recognizing the Limits

Like it or not, you can’t achieve meaningful changes overnight.

I say this because, as a coach, a common mistake I notice people making is assuming that in just a couple of months they will be able to completely transform themselves.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Developing any skill or attitude entails creating new mental associations in your brain and overriding some of the old ones. And this requires practice, time and repetition.

It’s not my intention here to discourage you from seeking self-growth. But I do wanna aid you set bold but realistic expectations on this path.

Usually, it takes a few months to develop a key skill or attitude. For example, I often work with people who are socially awkward and I help them build social confidence. And these people see amazing progress, but it generally happens in 6 to 12 months. That’s how much time it takes to move from awkward to confident socially.

The more aspects you want to improve about yourself, the more time it will take. If you have a list of 6 or 7 important changes you want to make about yourself, making these changes will likely span over a few years.

With this realistic expectation in your mind, you can move to the next logical step…

2. Prioritize Your Growth

Since you can only change so much about you in a given period of time and your time is limited, it’s crucial to select the most important skills and attitudes to develop and work on them first, and only then move to other ones.

This means you’ll have to really think about the most meaningful changes you could make about yourself.

I often like to ask my coaching clients: “If you could only change one thing about you, what would it be?”

Once they’ve identified it, I advise them to start by working on creating that change. And once they’ve achieved that change, they can ask themselves the same question again and move on to the next key change.

This is how you make the best use of your time and energy, and you bring about the most important transformations first.

3. Phrase Your Goals in A Way That Inspires You

Compare the following two personal development goals:

1. “I want to have better public speaking skills.”

2. “I want to be able to be on a stage in front of 100 people, feel comfortable and energized, speak from the heart, be coherent in what I say, and provide those people in the audience priceless information.”

That’s actually a single goal, but it’s phrased in two different ways. And I think you can see and feel the difference.

The first version sounds vague and unemotional. It doesn’t inspire you or motivate you to take action. The second version on the other hand is clear and vivid. It inspires you, it excites you and it triggers the desire to act right now.

That’s how you wanna phrase your self-improvement goals, and then write them down.

4. Set Daily Practice Activities

It’s not enough to have goals. It’s important to break them down into smaller steps, to establish daily activities you can perform to reach your goals, which you also write down. Only when you have these precise activities, you are able to take action.

For instance, if one of your goals is developing your public speaking skills, you can set specific activities such as reading a book on public speaking today, practicing speaking in front of the mirror tomorrow, an delivering a short presentation in front of a group of people the day after tomorrow.

By planning and doing these daily actions, you make genuine progress towards your goals. And soon enough, you find yourself having reached them.

5. Reward Yourself 

Progress in itself is satisfying and creates motivation to keep practicing. But you’ll sometimes run into rough patches when it’s harder to make progress, and thus it’s harder to stay motivated.

In such situations, it’s essential to incentivize yourself additionally, using some personalized incentives. And you can also add them in writing to your plan.

Think of the things you enjoy and offer them to yourself as rewards for doing your daily practice activities. From chocolate to a visit to the spa, anything that rocks your boat can work as a reward.

The key is to offer yourself instant gratification. As soon as you’ve done something, you reward yourself. We humans go nuts for instant gratification. And if you capitalize on this, you’ll keep yourself motivated throughout your personal development journey.

With the right expectations, the right goals and the right incentives as part of your self-improvement plan, you’ll make your self-development journey fun and productive. You’ll transform yourself and your life, and you’ll enjoy the process as well.

Md Fazlur Rahman
من قبل Md Fazlur Rahman , Procurement Specialist , Engineering and Planning Consultants Ltd

Question: What is your plan to improve and develop yourself and your skills in your work?

Thanks for the nice question. My plan is as follows

1.     Sharpen the technical skills on Facility Operations, Procurement, Engineering, Administration and Management

2.     Further improve the managerial skill to cope with the changes through use of technology and innovation 

3.     Aspiring to take a leadership role to inspire everybody in the community and known circles

samer maher
من قبل samer maher , Senior Operations Manager , El Badry

I agree with mr.Rami Assaf

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

improve my skills by read more and training


مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

1) Learn How To Manage Your Priorities

To improve performance at work you must have the ability to set priorities and to separate the relevant from the irrelevant when facing the many tasks of the day. You must also possess a sense of urgency, the ability to get the job done fast.

2) Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

Another way you can improve your performance at work is to develop a positive mental attitude. People like to be around and to promote employees they like. Everybody quickly notices a consistent, persistent attitude of cheerfulness and optimism. When you make an effort to cultivate an attitude of friendliness toward people, they will make extraordinary efforts to open doors for you.

3) Improve Your Skills, Seek Knowledge

Improve performance at work by continually upgrading your work-related skills and making sure that your superiors know about it. Seek out additional courses you can take to improve yourself at your job and discuss these courses with your boss. Ask him or her to pay for the courses if you pass, but make it clear that you are going to take them anyway.

4) The Importance Of Personality At Work

Probably 85 percent of your success in the world of work will come from your personality and your ability to communicate effectively with others. It will be determined by how much people like you and respect you.


dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

Apologized for the answer, I do not know, leave the answer for the professionals.

Ghada Eweda
من قبل Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Although many of us like to think that we're hundred percent effective, the truth is that most of us have strengths and weaknesses that impact our effectiveness. In order to become more effective at work, we should adopt new strategies and review our resources :

Step1: Identify Priorities

To identify your job's true purpose and define what you need to achieve in your current position, perform a job analysis . This will help you uncover your most important objectives, so that you can start prioritizing tasks effectively.

Step2: Adopt a Good Attitude

A good attitude at work will do more than just earn you respect: setting standards for your work and your behavior means that you're taking responsibility for yourself, demonstrating ethical decision-making and integrity could open many doors for you in the future.

Step3: Build Essential Skills

Chances are that you have a lot of competing demands on your time. The best ways of becoming more effective at work  are:

1.    Time Management/Productivity

2.    Communication Skills

3.    Stress

4.    Career Development/Learning

On Sum,  When we're truly effective at work, we manage our time well, we communicate clearly, and we have a good attitude.

Effective individuals are often the most respected and the most productive in their workplaces, and they're often the first to be considered for a promotion. So it's definitely worth the effort to enhance our skills.

Start by doing a job analysis to discover what your role is really about. Next, learn how to manage your time better, communicate more effectively, and control any stress.

Also, make sure that you devote time towards further learning and career development. You never know how or when those new skills will pay off.


مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Skill is synonymous with the work we do. And for every type of work, compensation is linked.


But over a period of time, skill alone may not give all the satisfaction for an individual. The other key word is potential. If a person works more towards realizing his potential, then the satisfaction levels would be high and further the output of the individual would be good.



1. Identify areas that would map your skill closer towards self-potential.

2. Add those skills over a period of time based on your time to devote towards those. These need not be just learning, but also activities.

3. In the long term, the skills would equate towards fulfilling your potential.


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