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What are the best interview questions that are tricky and require presence of mind to answer them?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
تاريخ النشر: 2016/03/16
د Waleed
من قبل د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

Thank you for the invitation... I will agree with the answers .. Variety of correct info and opinions .. Nothing to add !

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

i fully agree with the answers been added by experts..........thanks.

Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India


‘What is your biggest weakness?’

The problem with this question is that you’re being asked about your shortcomings, when your instinct, in an interview situation, is to keep your flaws as well hidden as possible. What you need to do is to frame your answer to as to give it a positive spin.

Strengths and weaknesses can be different sides of the same coin, so another way to approach this question is to think about how you overcome the potential downside of your greatest strength. For example, if you’re a natural teamworker, is it difficult for you to cope with conflict or assume leadership abilities? How do you cope with this?

‘Why do you think you will be successful in this job?’

This isn’t an invitation to boast – you are being asked to match your strengths to the qualities needed to do the job. Don’t forget, it’s a very specific question. Why are you suited to this job, as opposed to any other? Thorough employer research will save the day, as it will enable you to match your skills, interests and experience to the job role and the company.

‘Have you ever had a bad experience with an employer?’

Graduate recruiters use some questions as much to see how you cope when you’re put on the spot as to elicit a truthful answer. This question is a test of your ability to think on your feet and come up with a diplomatic response. Whether you sidestep the question by saying you’ve always got on well with your employers, or describe a tricky situation you’ve experienced that highlights your potential, you need to avoid attacking your previous employers. Also, take care not to incriminate yourself.

‘Give an example of a time when you handled a major crisis.’

Feel free to reframe the question. This is similar to asking ‘Can you give an example of a time when you had to cope with a difficult situation?’ or ‘Give an example of a time when you had to cope under pressure’. However, ‘crisis’ is a much stronger, more emotive word. You may find it easier to give an example if you think back through your work experience, study, extracurricular activities and travel and come up with a time when you had to cope with an unexpected problem.

‘Where do you expect to be in five years’ time?’

This is another question that allows you to show off your employer research and your understanding of your chosen career path. You’ll want to come across as enthusiastic, but not arrogant. Tailor your response to reflect the nature of the organisation, the sector, and your own experiences and skills. Specific details will impress.

What motivates you?

You are particularly likely to be asked about your motivation in a strengths-based interview, which focuses on what you enjoy doing and what you do well. Your answer should draw on an example from your extracurricular activities, work experience or studies that suggests you would be strongly motivated by the job you are applying for.

How do you manage your time and prioritise tasks?

When a recruiter asks how you manage your time, don’t just give an example of a time when you did this successfully. Your interviewer wants to know your tactics and strategies for getting yourself organised, so whatever approach you use to prioritising and listing your tasks, you should be ready to describe it.

Give an example of a time when you showed initiative.

If an interviewer asks you to describe a situation in which you showed initiative, avoid giving an example of an idea you had but never put into action. It’s much better to talk about a time when you not only came up with a solution to a problem but also acted on it. Then you can explain the effect your decision had when you put it into practice.

Give an example of your lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking is the ability to use your imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up with a new solution. Companies prize employees with lateral thinking skills because without them, they can’t innovate and create new products. Think about times when you’ve been faced with real-life problems and have somehow managed to overcome them. Chances are your solution involved an original, creative approach, and that’s what employers want to find out about.

Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India


‘What is your biggest weakness?’

The problem with this question is that you’re being asked about your shortcomings, when your instinct, in an interview situation, is to keep your flaws as well hidden as possible. What you need to do is to frame your answer to as to give it a positive spin.

Strengths and weaknesses can be different sides of the same coin, so another way to approach this question is to think about how you overcome the potential downside of your greatest strength. For example, if you’re a natural teamworker, is it difficult for you to cope with conflict or assume leadership abilities? How do you cope with this?

‘Why do you think you will be successful in this job?’

This isn’t an invitation to boast – you are being asked to match your strengths to the qualities needed to do the job. Don’t forget, it’s a very specific question. Why are you suited to this job, as opposed to any other? Thorough employer research will save the day, as it will enable you to match your skills, interests and experience to the job role and the company.

‘Have you ever had a bad experience with an employer?’

Graduate recruiters use some questions as much to see how you cope when you’re put on the spot as to elicit a truthful answer. This question is a test of your ability to think on your feet and come up with a diplomatic response. Whether you sidestep the question by saying you’ve always got on well with your employers, or describe a tricky situation you’ve experienced that highlights your potential, you need to avoid attacking your previous employers. Also, take care not to incriminate yourself.

‘Give an example of a time when you handled a major crisis.’

Feel free to reframe the question. This is similar to asking ‘Can you give an example of a time when you had to cope with a difficult situation?’ or ‘Give an example of a time when you had to cope under pressure’. However, ‘crisis’ is a much stronger, more emotive word. You may find it easier to give an example if you think back through your work experience, study, extracurricular activities and travel and come up with a time when you had to cope with an unexpected problem.

‘Where do you expect to be in five years’ time?’

This is another question that allows you to show off your employer research and your understanding of your chosen career path. You’ll want to come across as enthusiastic, but not arrogant. Tailor your response to reflect the nature of the organisation, the sector, and your own experiences and skills. Specific details will impress.

What motivates you?

You are particularly likely to be asked about your motivation in a strengths-based interview, which focuses on what you enjoy doing and what you do well. Your answer should draw on an example from your extracurricular activities, work experience or studies that suggests you would be strongly motivated by the job you are applying for.

How do you manage your time and prioritise tasks?

When a recruiter asks how you manage your time, don’t just give an example of a time when you did this successfully. Your interviewer wants to know your tactics and strategies for getting yourself organised, so whatever approach you use to prioritising and listing your tasks, you should be ready to describe it.

Give an example of a time when you showed initiative.

If an interviewer asks you to describe a situation in which you showed initiative, avoid giving an example of an idea you had but never put into action. It’s much better to talk about a time when you not only came up with a solution to a problem but also acted on it. Then you can explain the effect your decision had when you put it into practice.

Give an example of your lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking is the ability to use your imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up with a new solution. Companies prize employees with lateral thinking skills because without them, they can’t innovate and create new products. Think about times when you’ve been faced with real-life problems and have somehow managed to overcome them. Chances are your solution involved an original, creative approach, and that’s what employers want to find out about.

Sidrah Nadeem
من قبل Sidrah Nadeem , Global Marketing Manager , Hill & Knowlton

If I were to call your subordinates, what would they say about you?

من قبل ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Answering the 20 Most Difficult Interview Questions:

1. About yourself: This is generally the first question asked to the interviewee. It is to make the person feel comfortable also to break the ice. You need not start describing too much about your personal life, but the information should be apt enough for the interviewer to continue the talk with you. Share a brief about your life in person, career, and your interest. Practice before the interview but not too much that it starts sounding artificial.

2. Why you want this job: The reasons for wanting this job could be many but this could be a tricky question to answer also. Avoid saying the money to be the prime reason for this job despite the truth being the money factor for your choice. Mention reasons like your passion for the work or the profile is exciting, etc. Keep in mind that the employer is not looking to be an option for you but the real choice.

3. Why you want to leave your current job: Ensure to mention the reasons for growth and opportunity and avoid saying anything negative about your company. Do some research about the company and prepare the positive things that motivate you to be there which is enough for you to leave the job. The common best answer one can give is the opportunities that are being provided and how you think you are a perfect fit for that place.

4. How is your previous boss: This is of extreme importance, never ever say anything bad about your boss no matter how big difference and issues you are having with them. It is a trick of the employer to know how cordial are you with your boss and how you will deal the situations of difference with them. A good answer will be a basis to see you as a better candidate for the prospective employer.

5. What are your weaknesses: No living being is perfect hence, it is a smart way to assess you the kind of person you are. To understand if you will truly make peace with your weaknesses or will just say that you are the person without any issues. But begin too honest also might not work in your favor, therefore, showcase your weakness as something which can indirectly be your strength. For example, if you say that you have a habit of rechecking everything thrice before you send the final report and it does take a lot of time. Though it talks about the time issues but also conveys the message about how careful you are while working on bigger projects. Definitely a smart answer.

6. What is your strength: Another common question which is asked frequently. Mention the best things about yourself but something which is lacking in most of the people. Always give some example related to it, as in how you bring out the best results in the certain situation. Where you were not aware of this but figured out that you are pretty good at it. Examples help to give a clearer view of the strength and show your positive side too.

7. What you did to bring change in your previous job: Share the examples of your work where you went ahead beyond your designated job role and did the best for the company. For example, if you introduced a newer system or suggested a better strategy to deal a situation and it lead to better results. This question generally shows that if you are an asset to the company or not. Also, it shows what are the additional skills you have beyond your resume.

8. What was your failure and learning: Everybody once in a while fails or is disappointed in their job when things do not turn out the way they want. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and rectify it. This is a common question asked to understand your capability of ownership i.e. if you are strong enough to own your mistakes. It provides the information as to how much capability you have to be a leader or take charge of the situation if required in future.

9. Share your achievements: It explains your interest and passion towards your work. How, much dedication you have to do the best for the organisation, hence, give examples of your achievements and the recognition you got for the same. This is an opportunity to explain the best of you and do not miss out on it. In fact, prepare a list of your achievements before the interview, practice the answer but ensure to keep it apt and not to make a story out of it.

10. Why there is a gap in employment: Having a gap between your previous job and the place you have applied is a difficult question to answer. Because one does not know what is the best answer that can be said which is right. Generally, for women, it ranges from taking care of the family but for men it tends to be a far more difficult question. Tell the truth, concerns and what was the reason behind the gap, prefer not to give the vague or doubtful answer but ensure to give valid and strong reasons for the same.

11. One thing that you don’t like in your current job: A question which can smartly be used against you. Therefore, do not say thing like I hate my job or complaints about your boss. Because the interviewer will think that if you cannot fit there then how will you be a right candidate for them. You can mention harmless yet simple facts like that your office is too far to travel and you are not in a condition to shift there because of family, hence, you are looking for an opportunity closer to your place to be able to spend more time with your family. A nice and simple answer like this which is not entirely directed to the job or the workplace will be the smart answer.

12. How your colleagues and friends describe you: What your colleagues think of you? A common question to understand if you are a team player and are adaptable to all kind of people in the team. Everyone wants to work with someone who is cooperative and efficient. Even if you think the answer might not fit the bill, ensure to say something that your colleagues will agree on your positive aspect of you. For example, probably they think you are a bossy person but someone who will get the job done no matter what may come.

13. Where do you see yourself about 5 years from now: It is essential to know how far is your vision. Where do you see yourself in future and how you intend to grow further. A visionary is always required for a company to grow ahead, someone who is capable of foreseeing a future growth and is good to incorporate the same to benefit the company’s growth. It also shows how much you know yourself and how ambitious you are.

14. Why you fit this job: Why you think is this the job for you. Not only as an employee but the positives about the company which made you come here for the interview. Explain what are your personal goals and how you can incorporate those with the company’s vision and value, bringing benefit to the company and simultaneously growing professionally. Employers generally want to know about this question to get a clear understanding of as to how you will be able to do the justice to the job and bring the best results to it.

15. What motivates you: Motivation is one of the prime keys to success. It is only when someone is motivated that the person tends to work towards the desired goal. Share your ideal person or someone who inspired you to be successful in life. It could be someone within your family like parents or some known celebrity who you consider inspirational and motivated you to be like him. Sharing your motivational figure with the interviewer will present an idea about you and level of passion you have within you.

16. Why you switched your career: Sometimes one switches their career from one field to another after a certain amount of time. Then it tends to become a common question during an interview as to why there was the need to change the whole career dimension. Give a good reasonable answer for it and explain how this is a good thing for the company also. The experience you have from other fields how this will benefit to the company, also how you can incorporate the same in your job.

17. What are your hobbies: It is an essential part of an interview questionnaire. It explains a lot about your interest outside work and extracurricular activities you do. The preference is generally for someone who has a multi-dimensional skills and prefers to have a balanced life beyond work. Hence, mention things that interest you outside work and how to pursue them in your busy schedule. Sharing your hobby explains a lot about you in person too and also ensure to have a right knowledge for the same.

18. Do you have any differences with your boss: Another common question asked, it is a way to know if you have anything wrong to say about your boss? Ensure that do not say anything negative about your boss, differences with your bosses are common but rather than openly telling someone better to be a diplomat. You can say how you and your boss tend to come on the same platform and work towards the goal. Don’t forget to mention the good thing about your boss too and what are the qualities you appreciate in them.

19. How do you control your anger: Anger management is another quality one tend to look at. Anger is one of the most common emotion found but managing that well is an art. This question is also essential since it shows how well you can work with your team members. In a team, there are various kind of people and not necessarily during work everyone is able to perform on an equal level, hence to know how you can react in such situations is helpful to answer.

20. Anything you would like to know: Keep a small list of question that you can ask after the interview. It shows that you have done some research on your part. Avoid asking questions related to salary, in the end, but ask questions like what the company will be expecting as a result from you, how soon you will be starting the job if you get it. Simple questions like these will show your interest and promptness.

From the time you enter the office building till the time you leave is the complete time of your interview. Do not think that interview just happens in the interview room, there are people who observe your activities even when you are waiting for the interview. Therefore, be prepared to behave properly.

من قبل ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Answering the 20 Most Difficult Interview Questions:

1. About yourself: This is generally the first question asked to the interviewee. It is to make the person feel comfortable also to break the ice. You need not start describing too much about your personal life, but the information should be apt enough for the interviewer to continue the talk with you. Share a brief about your life in person, career, and your interest. Practice before the interview but not too much that it starts sounding artificial.

2. Why you want this job: The reasons for wanting this job could be many but this could be a tricky question to answer also. Avoid saying the money to be the prime reason for this job despite the truth being the money factor for your choice. Mention reasons like your passion for the work or the profile is exciting, etc. Keep in mind that the employer is not looking to be an option for you but the real choice.

3. Why you want to leave your current job: Ensure to mention the reasons for growth and opportunity and avoid saying anything negative about your company. Do some research about the company and prepare the positive things that motivate you to be there which is enough for you to leave the job. The common best answer one can give is the opportunities that are being provided and how you think you are a perfect fit for that place.

4. How is your previous boss: This is of extreme importance, never ever say anything bad about your boss no matter how big difference and issues you are having with them. It is a trick of the employer to know how cordial are you with your boss and how you will deal the situations of difference with them. A good answer will be a basis to see you as a better candidate for the prospective employer.

5. What are your weaknesses: No living being is perfect hence, it is a smart way to assess you the kind of person you are. To understand if you will truly make peace with your weaknesses or will just say that you are the person without any issues. But begin too honest also might not work in your favor, therefore, showcase your weakness as something which can indirectly be your strength. For example, if you say that you have a habit of rechecking everything thrice before you send the final report and it does take a lot of time. Though it talks about the time issues but also conveys the message about how careful you are while working on bigger projects. Definitely a smart answer.

6. What is your strength: Another common question which is asked frequently. Mention the best things about yourself but something which is lacking in most of the people. Always give some example related to it, as in how you bring out the best results in the certain situation. Where you were not aware of this but figured out that you are pretty good at it. Examples help to give a clearer view of the strength and show your positive side too.

7. What you did to bring change in your previous job: Share the examples of your work where you went ahead beyond your designated job role and did the best for the company. For example, if you introduced a newer system or suggested a better strategy to deal a situation and it lead to better results. This question generally shows that if you are an asset to the company or not. Also, it shows what are the additional skills you have beyond your resume.

8. What was your failure and learning: Everybody once in a while fails or is disappointed in their job when things do not turn out the way they want. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and rectify it. This is a common question asked to understand your capability of ownership i.e. if you are strong enough to own your mistakes. It provides the information as to how much capability you have to be a leader or take charge of the situation if required in future.

9. Share your achievements: It explains your interest and passion towards your work. How, much dedication you have to do the best for the organisation, hence, give examples of your achievements and the recognition you got for the same. This is an opportunity to explain the best of you and do not miss out on it. In fact, prepare a list of your achievements before the interview, practice the answer but ensure to keep it apt and not to make a story out of it.

10. Why there is a gap in employment: Having a gap between your previous job and the place you have applied is a difficult question to answer. Because one does not know what is the best answer that can be said which is right. Generally, for women, it ranges from taking care of the family but for men it tends to be a far more difficult question. Tell the truth, concerns and what was the reason behind the gap, prefer not to give the vague or doubtful answer but ensure to give valid and strong reasons for the same.

11. One thing that you don’t like in your current job: A question which can smartly be used against you. Therefore, do not say thing like I hate my job or complaints about your boss. Because the interviewer will think that if you cannot fit there then how will you be a right candidate for them. You can mention harmless yet simple facts like that your office is too far to travel and you are not in a condition to shift there because of family, hence, you are looking for an opportunity closer to your place to be able to spend more time with your family. A nice and simple answer like this which is not entirely directed to the job or the workplace will be the smart answer.

12. How your colleagues and friends describe you: What your colleagues think of you? A common question to understand if you are a team player and are adaptable to all kind of people in the team. Everyone wants to work with someone who is cooperative and efficient. Even if you think the answer might not fit the bill, ensure to say something that your colleagues will agree on your positive aspect of you. For example, probably they think you are a bossy person but someone who will get the job done no matter what may come.

13. Where do you see yourself about 5 years from now: It is essential to know how far is your vision. Where do you see yourself in future and how you intend to grow further. A visionary is always required for a company to grow ahead, someone who is capable of foreseeing a future growth and is good to incorporate the same to benefit the company’s growth. It also shows how much you know yourself and how ambitious you are.

14. Why you fit this job: Why you think is this the job for you. Not only as an employee but the positives about the company which made you come here for the interview. Explain what are your personal goals and how you can incorporate those with the company’s vision and value, bringing benefit to the company and simultaneously growing professionally. Employers generally want to know about this question to get a clear understanding of as to how you will be able to do the justice to the job and bring the best results to it.

15. What motivates you: Motivation is one of the prime keys to success. It is only when someone is motivated that the person tends to work towards the desired goal. Share your ideal person or someone who inspired you to be successful in life. It could be someone within your family like parents or some known celebrity who you consider inspirational and motivated you to be like him. Sharing your motivational figure with the interviewer will present an idea about you and level of passion you have within you.

16. Why you switched your career: Sometimes one switches their career from one field to another after a certain amount of time. Then it tends to become a common question during an interview as to why there was the need to change the whole career dimension. Give a good reasonable answer for it and explain how this is a good thing for the company also. The experience you have from other fields how this will benefit to the company, also how you can incorporate the same in your job.

17. What are your hobbies: It is an essential part of an interview questionnaire. It explains a lot about your interest outside work and extracurricular activities you do. The preference is generally for someone who has a multi-dimensional skills and prefers to have a balanced life beyond work. Hence, mention things that interest you outside work and how to pursue them in your busy schedule. Sharing your hobby explains a lot about you in person too and also ensure to have a right knowledge for the same.

18. Do you have any differences with your boss: Another common question asked, it is a way to know if you have anything wrong to say about your boss? Ensure that do not say anything negative about your boss, differences with your bosses are common but rather than openly telling someone better to be a diplomat. You can say how you and your boss tend to come on the same platform and work towards the goal. Don’t forget to mention the good thing about your boss too and what are the qualities you appreciate in them.

19. How do you control your anger: Anger management is another quality one tend to look at. Anger is one of the most common emotion found but managing that well is an art. This question is also essential since it shows how well you can work with your team members. In a team, there are various kind of people and not necessarily during work everyone is able to perform on an equal level, hence to know how you can react in such situations is helpful to answer.

20. Anything you would like to know: Keep a small list of question that you can ask after the interview. It shows that you have done some research on your part. Avoid asking questions related to salary, in the end, but ask questions like what the company will be expecting as a result from you, how soon you will be starting the job if you get it. Simple questions like these will show your interest and promptness.

From the time you enter the office building till the time you leave is the complete time of your interview. Do not think that interview just happens in the interview room, there are people who observe your activities even when you are waiting for the interview. Therefore, be prepared to behave properly.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera Co. Ltd.

ur strength and weakness

what the difficult things u faces and how u solve it


dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

Questions ten most common during the conduct personal interviews and their answers:

1. What are your goals for the future? Or "Where do you see yourself five years from now?"

 It is one of the most common questions in job interviews. Media is not interested in knowing where the question will be literally but wished

 In measuring your self-confidence and the extent of your ambition and your concentration and your ability to upgrade, all of this in one question., That an answer like, "I see myself in the position of executive director of the company" that could cause the same damage, but the other way because this may put you in the developed image of the amounts in the trust to the point madness. You will get you disqualified on the spot, and the reason is obvious. Instead, tell them you see yourself live up in the company, do you see yourself and your skills as a result of your efficiency at work and your achievement of the tasks entrusted have evolved on your shoulders. Let them know that you see yourself able to take on more responsibilities and to deal with the biggest tasks more efficiently. You can also

Add you see yourself has acquired more qualifications and additional knowledge about your field.

2. What are the greatest weaknesses?

 This question may be tricky and needs a lot of deliberation before answering. We must answer this question wisely, and this will be through talking about is related to the skills of the job requirements. For example,

The employer will not care about the weakness of mathematical skills that you are applying for the post of editor or publisher. You can also talk about the skills that were not good in the past, but you've improved on. For example, perhaps you're shy

Formerly introverted but now I became more

Trust and love to communicate with people around you. You do this, you made your point turning the negative into a positive.

3. What are the stronger your strengths?

This easy-to another question is raised consistently during interviews. You can talk about your features that will help ensure the job you are applying to. You should not distracted and kept on talking about the strengths that relate in some way to the job requirements. Prefer not to talk about the extent of your strength as an artist when applying for a job in the field of sales or marketing. However, it should not be a severe one bravado when talking about his strengths. If you talk about a particular point of strength, it is better to have some examples to support your words.

 4. How do you deal with the pressure and job stress?

You should already be able to deal with stress and tension so you can answer the question. Also can not simply tell them how you find the pressure was terrible because it has become part of most jobs, one has to expect that it will face many filled with pressure and tension during the career track positions. Instead, give them a positive response and tell them that you are faced with much determination to end the task, but you can answer that pressure pushes you to work better where the greater the challenge the greater the efficiency shown by the performance of your business. Nevertheless, the answer varies from one person to another. You can also directly answer such as "I train to deal with the pressures," or "I deal with the pressure across the sit alone for some time and I analyzed the question in my head."

5. Describe the position / functional problem and explain to us how you can handle it?

Be A Pro does not boast when your answer to this question and moved away from the exaggerated praise and glorify your role in this position because the interlocutor can pay attention to this. Despite the absence of the typical answer to this question, you can cure a cautious manner. Want such questions that the control on how to behave in the future if you encounter a problem, based on its judgment that the previous experiences. Start a clear explanation of the situation and the timing of its occurrence and then told them do your part in it (the solutions provided by to address the problem). Be sure to be positive and easy to understand your answer.

6. What is your assessment of the success of the standards?

 That contained the answer to any numbers will be disqualified on the spot, where it is said that the greater the value of the salary that you require greater the degree of disapproval from conducting the interview with you. This is because your feedback not only highlighted their passion towards the job, but as a person and vice versa show greed concerned only with money, even though it was through his betrayal of his company. Must fit your definition of success of the company in accordance with the definition should not appear in his self-interest or the hostile policy of the organization, which seeks to work out. It is possible that the answer that you measure your success extent of your ability to accomplish the goals of short and long-term tasks assigned to it.

7. Why did you leave your last job?

This question needs to be answered very careful.

Better not to criticize your boss or former company because this might leave the impression they have a hostile you. Quite simply, they will sow the conviction that you are a person tongue lashing. You can tell them about your desire to look for the best opportunity, so leave your last job so give the same time to look for a new job without causing suffering former boss during this search. You can also be honest and tell them that he had been terminated your contract because the company re-established or re-construction of the administrative pyramid.

8. Why should we employ you are you, exactly?

This question is similar to one way or another the previous question, you will not only be required to just talk about your skills set that fit the job requirements because they also expect you to review your self-confidence and abilities. You can also be the answer to highlight your potential personal and explain why you are better than the rest of the applicants for the job option. Tell them about previous achievements in this area and prepared them mention your interest in the company and the job.9. Why do you want this job?

 This is your chance, because the ideal show them that you have the skills they require group. You have to teach them that their possession of knowledge and experience will benefit the company if the job is yours, and how your experience confirm your words. You should also tell them about your understanding of the nature of the job and its requirements. If you do this will lead them to a message that you've in your homework of good research and show them that you're interested

Already this function. Never behave emotional way, and tell them how much you need for this job.

. Tell us more about yourself *

You must be aware that it is conducting the interview with you already have your resume in their hands leaves, so there is no

Farewell to repeat key details about yourself such as name, age, gender and the name of your school or university .. etc. This unusual question is repeated constantly, although it seems an easy question but that you should pay special attention.

Should not be too long, your answer, it is definitely different from the answer to the question pans for "yourself" in primary school. You do not have only a few seconds where people know strangers about yourself, and even fascinated in your answer, this should be it

Be brief and graceful and paint the pompous image. Avoid repeating yourself, and only mentioning the facts that you would like your employer knows it. Conclusion, try to present your ID in your answer.

Rami Assaf
من قبل Rami Assaf , loading and Storage Operations Supervisor , Arab Potash Company

Thanks for invitation


I think it will be what is the additive for you to or company? & I will leave the answer to you .

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟