أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Well,one of two will gonna be happend
1-sensitive data will be stolen in which the hacker trying not to keep any track after the process
2-hacker will corrupt the website contains as will as the website interface in which it will not be accessed by users
When a website is hacked, a malicious intruder has breached through your organization security making your resources vulnerable for miss use or being stolen.
Of course, damages varies based on the website and what does it offer and the loss is maximum whenever sales or financial services are offered on line or users confidential information are stored.
As a result, there are tangible and intangible loses starting from losing credibility and trust which will reflect in bad image, less sales causing the organization to start several different complaints to ease of the damage.
Security will be always challenged and the organization should have a continuous process reviewing all security measures and following new technology trends and best practices related to this matter.
I agree with answer Mr Bassam .
Answers have been added from our valued members. They are all correct. The data or the information that you give to that website will be discloses to the hacker. Websites can no longer be accessible.
Basm allah alrahman alrahim
nothing !
if you have a backup in another place [ database , and site content backups ] , like dropbox
just delete all and re upload , your work with new password (stronger and taller this time)
but if you have website or template with bugs , you must replace them with a new secure one
thats why wordpress orgnization templates is stronger because of there test for themes before accept
I have limited knowledge about hacking. I can say that if the site got hacked,
- is that you may get all manipulated data from the hackers not the original data of the site.
- the information you are providing as input to the site will be stolen by hackers
I think these two are very important and loss caused to innocent users. Thanks.
mmmm i/m not specialist but u can try to go to ur control panel and change password or contact with T.S of supplier to retrieve data again to u