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TrueCrypt the best cryptography open source application, its discontinued in mid of 2014. However, if you want to retain the TrueCrypt’s user interface, then Veracrypt is the closest you can get.
VeraCrypt is replacement for TrueCrypt as it is developed based on TrueCrypt by IDRIX. Even though it is based on TrueCrypt and has the same features and user interface, IDRIX certainly increased the security enhancements by increasing the number of iterations per encryption. Just like TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt supports different encryption algorithms like AES, Twofish, Serpent, and a combination of these algorithms.
DiskCryptor is another replacement of TrueCrypt, open-source drive encryption application. It can encrypt any of your files, system drives and other external devices like CD’s and thumb drives.
1. Bitlocker
is still my favorite in the whole disk encryption category, and is available for Windows users running the Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 8.1 or the Ultimate or Enterprise version of Windows 7.
2. DiskCryptor
is an open source solution that can encrypt entire volumes using AES 256, Twofish, and Serpent. It can use AES, Twofish, or Serpent, taking advantage of AES offloading in newer CPU models, works with Linux and Windows, and can be used with external USB drives and optical media as well.
3. FileVault
is Mac users’ answer to Bitlocker and is available in all currently supported versions of OS X. It uses 128 bit AES and requires you to set up a recovery key, just in case.
You can use for example Microsoft’s BitLocker or one of the below:
- Truecrypt for encrypting sensitive files, folders, and entire drives on your PC.
- GPG, an open-source implementation of the OpenPGP protocol used to encrypt email communications.
- VeraCrypt is a fork of and a successor to TrueCrypt, which ceased development last year (more on them later.)
- AxCrypt is a free, open source, GNU GPL-licensed encryption tool for Windows that prides itself on being simple, efficient, and easy to use
Making backups of data, defragging, system restore points are only indirectly related. Backups can actually make your data easier to steal and retrieve.
Cryptography includes techniques such as microdots, merging words with images, and other ways to hide information in storage or transit.
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